Chapter 15

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The next day, Sawyer gathered up with everyone over by the vehicles to discuss their search for Sophia. He was ready for whatever that day had in store for him.

"Alright, if she made it as far to the farmhouse Daryl found yesterday, she might have gone further east than we've been, " explained Rick. Sawyer leaned forward as he looked at the map. 

"I'd like to help." called out Jimmy, causing everyone to look at Hershel's Farmhand. "I know the land very well and stuff. " he added. 

"Is Hershel okay with this?" Rick asked him. The last thing they needed was to get on Hershel's bad side.

"Yeah,yeah. He said I should ask you."claimed Jimmy. 

"Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me." called out Shane. Sawyer looked at the man. Then what does?

"Anybody could have been sleeping in the farmhouse. " he added. 

"Everybody includes her, right?" Sawyer called out as Daryl explained what he found.

"Sawy and I will borrow a couple of horses. We will head up this ridge right here. Take a bird-eye view of the grid." stated Daryl as he pointed to a spot on the map. 

"If she's up there. We could spot her. " said Sawyer.

"Good idea. Maybe you will see your
Chupacabra  out there, too. " said t-dog. 

"Chupacabra?" asked Rick with a curious expression on his face.

 Everyone listened to T-dog, and Dale told everyone about their story about finding a chupacabra. Only to get a laugh from Jimmy. 

"What are you braying about jackass? '' asked Daryl, flaring his nostrils at the boy. 

"So you two believe in a blood-sucking dog?" Jimmy questioned. 

"You believe dead people walking around?" Sawyer questioned him before he watched Jimmy try and reach for a gun, though Rick stopped him. 

Jimmy stated his claim in which Shane invited him to the gun training the group will be having the next day. 

"For now, he can come with us," said Andrea. 

"He's yours to babysit then." called out Shane.

It wasn't long until Sawyer followed Daryl deep into the forest. As he followed Daryl's horse, he seemed to notice a shadow in the woods. His head tilted in confusion. However, Datyl stopping his horse distracted him. 

"I'll go this way, up the ridge. You go a little further out. We will meet back here, " said Daryl. Sawyer only nodded and steered his horse into the direction his older brother pointed out.

Sawyer made sure to not only look for any signs of Sophia but also to not get lost. He didn't want to get lost like Daryl had when he was younger. He remembered hearing his stories all the time about getting lost in the woods. 

The boy jumped down from the horse, in need of a small break from his butt getting sore. He took out his canteen and took a gulp of water. However, as he did, something spooked his horse, causing it to run off. 

"Hey, hey! No! " called Sawyer as he tried to race after it, but the horse was by far faster than him.

"Great! Now I have to go back on foot. " mumbled Sawyer. The boy then made his way back in the direction he came from. However, it made him realize everything looked the same. 

A twig snapping got his attention. He sprung around. "Maybe it's Sophia? " he thought.

"Sophia! It's me, Sawyer! " he called out to her. But he never got a response. He stared at the bushes for a while, still no movement, but he could hear shallow breathing.

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