Epilogue: Data Profile 1: Red rain ( Epilogue 1/3)

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Y/n: "Mom was a medic? Huh" I say surprised and decide to cycle through to my background

My background has my school name. It also grades which were mostly Cs, Bs, and a few As sprinkled around. It also has information on my diet as a kid, which seems pretty damn healthy since I don't see much junk food listed. Why that was listed, I have no fucks of an idea to make.

Now it shows my service history

"Y/n's personality and actions had taken a drastic change during a mission within the eagle nebula. His personality prior was that of tough yet bright while afterwards it's became cold and bloodthirsty. This mission incident is recorded as "The red rain" incident. The order of the mission begins as ...." As I begin reading more and more I begin feeling as if my mind is replaying the events of the mission like a movie

The younger me, who looks maybe 21 or 22, looks down at his blue helmet that reflects the colour of the alliance uniforms and glides his thumb across the top and places his helmet on

Commander Richardson: "Listen up, brats. We've got our orders to investigate a batarian sighting within the horse head nebula" he begins to debrief as the younger me looks on. When he looks up, I begin to see the crew

The commander looks to be around his mid 40s or early 50s. Bald with brown eyes and hardened eyes that screams Veteran Soldier. He stands at roughly 6'1 and a similar build to Male Shepard.

Directly next to me is a woman, who I feel like I knew, is named Sophia Hottz. Her face is incredibly similar to that of Ingrid from the fire emblem series ( three houses ) but with brown hair instead. She stands at a rough 5'6 and build that seems the female military standard. Her info pops into my head like a file. Born in London and joining the alliance after her parents left her behind when they moved planets, she's a tough bitch. Her military specialty is in vehicles and repair

To my other side is a young male that doesn't remotely look ready for any kind of gun fight. He has a nerdy look to him, green eyes, dyed white hair, slimer build than most of the men serving here and standing at 5'8 feet tall. He kind of reminds me a bit of that dude from Re6 from Chris's campaign. The name of the nerdy guy pops into my head as Simmon Kidd. A 23 year old who's specialized in Hacking.

Another notable mention is the woman leaning on her sniper rifle by the wall. The name comes to me as Camila Burns. Age 24 and born in Brazil. She's half Brazilian and half Latina but takes more of her Brazilian heritage. She has a slim build, black hair with a few strips of reddish purplish hair, a large scar across from her eye to her lip that luckily didn't get her blind, standing at 6'0 and 156 lbs and has a mouth like a sailor. Among the ship's crew, she's our sniper specialist and a damn good one at that. Her background is that her father died due to a colony attack from batarians and holds a massive grudge against those bastards. She specializes in stealth and assassinations as well

The final note worthy to mention is the LC on this mission. With green eyes, flashy blond hair, a million dollar smile, dark skin, and a massive amount of pride, and standing at 6'2 and 190 lbs of muscle, This dude's name pops up as Douglass Armstrong. At the age of 32, he's a dude that id swear was bred for war. His background is pretty simple, being born from 2 military officer and joining the alliance at age 19 and raising up the ranks. He's the brute of the team as his specialty is up close and personal.

And then there's me. The biotic specialist and medical expert of the group. Funny since I know Jack about medicine

Young Y/n: "Are we going to simply report or terminate?" The younger me asks our commander

Commander Richardson: "Terminate. Anywhere batarian go, we need to put a stop to those bastards" he says coldly

Camila: "I hear that" she says smirking

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