Epilogue: Data Profile 1: Red rain ( Epilogue 1/3)

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[Y/n's Pov ]

It's been a few months since Saren's defeat, my recovery and my instatement as humanities second specter. During that time, Anderson ordered us some shore leave to relax since we needed the break.

The damaged I sustained from my biotics were severed and it was a miracle I'm alive, let alone able to move. My biotics had damaged my nerves to the point they ripped on a microscopic level and my body should be dead. Best way I can describe it... it's like every inch of your body getting hit by 50 trucks. That should paint a good picture to how my body feels. Somehow, I had recovered. They called it a miracle case

After my recovery, we took the time to introduce everyone to our parents and here's how that went

Mom loves Jane and Tali most, but Liara isn't too far behind. She loves the innocence they both have and loves the power couple vibe Jane and I have. Jackie loves both Jane and Ashley since they're the strong and independent type. My dad liked both Jane and Ashley since they're military types. Aaron was just wondering how the hell I pulled 4 "Drop dead baddies" and how I got them to share me. "Teach me the ways" he would say like I was some kind of God. That was good to laugh at

Onto Marx. Mom practically has 2 new sons with the way she took to them. She loves then as much she loved my girl. She even insists they both call her mom ( like she did my girls ) and loves how tender they are with him. Jackie likes Garrus a lot and they're absolutely adorable together when they were bonding. I swear, they looked just like siblings. For dad, he loved them since... Military... again. Aaron was throwing hands like "Am I the only one not getting a fucking harem!" And we all couldn't stop laughing

After everything, Benezia stood trial by the asari council due to her involvement in Saren's actions. Surprisingly, she didn't put up a fight. She accepted their ruling and was to be sent to confinement off world. With a tearful goodbye, she asked me to always have Liara's back. I naturally agreed and she was thankful her daughter found me.

During shore leave, we went to explore. First we headed to earth and, just like everything else, it was gorgeous. Jane brought me to Canada and introduced me to her mother who wasn't deployed. And I uh... Good lord, the glare she had when she learned I had a harem was terrifying. I'd rather fight saren again then handle momma Shepard, but that glare stoped once she explained everything and the girls and I shared a loving look. According to Hannah, the tender look Jane and I had reminded her of the look she had shared with her husband. She learned more about me and sort of approved. She threatened to castrate me if I ever hurt her daughter. So that was fun!

After that, we managed to enjoy the small moment of Peace and lived pretty domestically and... it was extremely pleasant. Like this is what paradise really was. Thinking of getting a home for all of us to live in, maybe a summer home type thing. Unfortunately, we had to return to the ship not too long after so paradise is over

I'd cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for my girls. According to them, I'm a perfect husband. I mean I don't know about that, but it's good to hear.

Onto the datapad Anderson gave me, None of them looked through the datapad since it's personal info, but now it's time to see how my life was like. I'm currently in my room With the datapad in my hands... looking at the "Please enter password" screen.

Y/n: "Alright, Y/n.... Let's see how you were like" I say to myself and enter the password "2121311_22114721184_21213112312038" and my file pops up

"Y/n M/n L/n

Age of recruitment: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 183 Lbs
Weapon proficiency: Sniper
Potential: Extreme
Biotics: Proficient

Y/n is a Canadian born male, raised within the city of Toronto Canada. Related to the Alliance officials of Commander Michael L/n and Medical officer Sonya L/n, Y/n shows great potential within the fields"

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