Two sides of one, kim

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We are back to the alternate universe meeting the main universe.

Kim stares at her red counterpart. "there's no way we're the same person." Kim examines red Kim looking at her up and down. "Yeah I'm surprised that you look like a pipsqueak"

"What, what's that supposed to mean" Kim flew up red Kim. "Huh so your wings also react to your emotions how long have you had does wings for."

"Huh oh I've had them for about a year now when I met Jasper and the others Jasper gave me these wings and I've used them instead of the dragon flyer ones." Red Kim examines the wings. "What kind of material is this"

"I'm not sure it's ore found in the wind realm" red Kim seemed intrigued. "you can use them there a lot easier and better to use than clunky dragon flyer wings." Red Kim looked at her surprised. "Really you'd let me use them just like that, I mean how can you trust me"

"What kind of question is that your me I trust myself" red Kim looks at the wings. "Uh no it's fine, it's alright"

Red Kim seemed nervous all of a sudden. "What's with the sudden change in mood"

"Well it's just that no one's ever trusted me so easily, when I ever work with anyone they usually make me do something to prove they can trust me" Kim looks around seeing multiple scars all over her.

"Did this little trust proving cause these scars." Red Kim looked down seeing the scars. "Yeah I got injured on a lot of them"

"Well I trust you mostly because well your me, and that I know what's going on in your head, plus meet with me later, Jasper always be me food I'll ask him to buy you some as well." Red Kim looks up in a quick motion. "Jasper isnt that the guy who sent us here"

"Yup hope he didn't come out as mean or rude or weird or off when you all meet him for the first time, he's really cool once you get to know him" Kim laughs to herself. "What's so funny"

"Hehe don't tell Jasper I told you this but he is a drama king he loves making an entrance and loves using magic to make it look like a show, so he kinda has an ego, if you feed his ego he'll probably buy you more food" red Kim looks at Kim and smirks.

"Ha your evil ya know that" Kim laughs. "what can I say, when I'm hungry I'll do anything, but no I don't just do it to get something out of it, I do it cause it's fun to see him light up in excitement when he gets complimented about his magic"

"Anyway what do you say we go get some food now I know where Jasper likes to hang" red Kim though for a second. "Eh sure why not, I could eat"

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