A meet up

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This is also post ACT 2 so yeah i enjoy

What is this shadow wandering through the dessert dunes the winds not phasing it at all. Suddenly a purple portal opens in front of the Shadows and drags it in.

It was a normally beautiful day, Destiny is sweeping the floor while whistling. "Hey Destiny I'm going out for a bit tell Mom and Dad, I'll be back by night"

"Alright stay safe don't get hurt" she returns to her routine. Before setting her self on a chair and eating some cereal. 'Find the Wooden arch you must leave, and find the wooden arch'

"Ugh has anyone ever told you how annoying you are" suddenly a purple portal appears in the middle of the room Destiny was just in. "Huh what's this"

She steps forward before the portal sucks her in and disappears right after.

In a room somewhere in the kingdom of demons. A demon boy was laying and sleeping, he sensed something before waking up. "hey what was that I thought I could have heard some one calling me"

The demon boy shurges it off thinking it must have been the wind but something told him it wasn't, something wasn't right

"Okay who's there, some is there I can sense you" the demon boy seems alarmed but why there was no one else in the room but him.

Suddenly a purple portal appears and starts consuming everything in the room. Kai fights to resist the portal but like the other two he stood no chances.

A girl flies across the dessert dunes and into a camp. "damn what a successful raid got lots of jewels so many people screaming shouting for help, how pathetic." She tosses the jewels over to someone in the dark.

"Nice I'll hand it to you, this was a good raid, lots of riches and gold" he tosses it back signing for her to leave.

Kimberly leaves the tent and finds a purple portal right in front of her. "what the" it consumes her and disappears.

Jasper was sitting and laying on his couch both his parents were out at the moment, although there was something he wanted to try. He snuck into his parents room and found his dad's hat.

He puts it on and just plays around with it for a while. He reaches his hand in and realizes he can't feel the bottom of the hat.

He shoves and feels something he pulls it out and finds a bird. "Oh a bird how did you get in there, oh well I always wanted a pet, and I always wanted to name it Raptor, so that's your name now"

He walks back to the other room with the hat on his head and the bird in his hand. A purple portal opens up and someone that looks just like him walks out.

"Okay yeah this looks crazy but you need to come with me so let's go" the other Jasper grabs his hand and jumps into the portal.

Both are falling through the portal and after a couple of minutes they are falling from the sky.

Jasper looks down and starts panicking. The other Jasper is just laughing. "Yeah this is always my favorite part."

"Are you crazy were falling from the sky and getting dangerously close to the ground." It only took a couple of seconds before Jasper had past out.

"Hey there buddy wake up we have something cool to show you"Jasper opens his eyes to see the other him leaning over him. "Good your awake, any way"

The other Jasper, walks up and Jasper sees as there is four other people next to him. "Uh who are you people"

"Let me explain we are in a alternate universe, from your universe I am an alternate version of you Jaspers, you see our universe is split between two colors." He pulls up a couple of floating rocks.

"Okay so this side is the purple universe, where you guys are right now where I come from. And over here is the red universe this is where you guys come from, okay any questions" they all just stare in confusion, and who can blame them this was so unnatural to them.

"Okay forget that you all should meet your purple universe counterparts." Jasper moves away as they all meet eye to eye with each other.

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