Two Destinys, are better then One

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"wow is this really what my life would have been like if I never met Lukas, does it not get boring having to stay home" red Destiny seemed in shock at the fact that her own self would say such a thing. "How could you say that, why would I ever want to leave I have my family and brothers"

"Yeah so do I but I listen to that voice and well I went on some pretty cool adventures, but hey I can't tell you want to do"  Destiny was tired of standing up so she sat down.

"A voice oh yeah the lady that's always telling me to leave and find the wooden arch , ugh her voice is so annoying" Destiny seemed intrigued all of a sudden.

"May I ask, but um, so you know any of these people personally" Red Destiny looks around before looking back at Destiny noding no. "Yeah I thought so, well I listen to that voice and well I met all of them, they are all like my family, so I don't ever feel like I'm to far from it"

"Plus I visit my brother every weekend" this caused, red Destiny to crack a chuckle. "Hmm what's so funny"

"Nothing it's just I wishes I had your sense of adventure, maybe if I had that I would have left, but the outside world kinda scares me, my brother is there but isn't always, so it gets scary" this causes Destiny to chuckle as well. "hey I'm opening up to you over here"

"Ha sorry it's just, even though my brothers were there to protect me I never need to, with my sense of adventure I would always wonder off and get into pretty dangerous situation, but then I met Lukas he was like a brother to me as well, he wanted to protect me from the cruel reality of the world, but in doing so he only showed me" red Destiny seemed worried.

"But it's fine cause in the end I trust with just about anything" red Destiny looks over to the Two Lukas's. "Huh, really wow I would have never thought a shadow would have brought me such security in this universe" red Destiny just stares off into space.

"Heh guess we're not totally different, we both always get distracted easily, oh but may I ask have you done magic." This question grabbed Red Destiny attention back.

"Magic uh no I never did I can't use magic" Destiny nods and decides to show her some magic. "Of course look"

Destiny cast a large piller of fire that seems to reach the clouds even though it was so big you couldn't feel the warmth of heat for the flame. "Wow that's amazing can you teach me"

"Unfortunately no, from what it seems you haven't used magic at all, that introducing this type of power to you know would be bad for your body" red Destiny seemed saddened but understood why.

"Okay can we get some food I'm kinda hungry also when I go back home" Jasper appears out of nowhere. "Don't worry at the moment your whole universe is at a stand still every thing will be the exact same as it was before you left"

He disappears again. "Yeah sorry about him, he's a really nice guy once you get to know him, but I guess that doesn't count for you know does it" this comment made red Destiny a bit irritated. "Hey just because I never met them in my universe doesn't mean you can go and say things like that"

"Hehe sorry"

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