The others remained worried below. Meanwhile, those who had been saved by Gu Wuji at the bar began to lavish praise on him, hailing him as a remarkable sage, confident that his presence would ensure their safety.

Xiashi, overhearing this, smiled even more broadly.

With the terrifying ghost looming, the butler, his face slick with cold sweat and steps uncertain, felt reassured by Gu Wuji and Ningyang's presence.

"I've heard about the past incidents," Gu Wuji said to the butler, "but could there have been some misunderstanding? Elder Xia's demeanor doesn't seem to match the rumors of disdain and fear towards the lady."

Before Gu Wuji could finish, the butler's eyes widened at the sudden appearance of a shadow beside Gu Wuji, "There, there!"

Nonchalantly, Gu Wuji pushed the encroaching spirit away, conveniently towards Ningyang.

Seizing the opportunity to impress Gu Wuji, Ningyang quickly affixed a talisman to the spirit's forehead, causing it to wail and flee.

Their swift actions barely allowed Gu Wuji to resume, "I believe his feelings towards the lady weren't as the rumors suggest—of dislike or fear."

The butler was still reeling from shock, realizing they had indeed summoned someone reliable this time. Even if these two weren't renowned masters, their composure in the face of terrifying spirits far surpassed any previous exorcists they had hired.

The butler's attitude toward Gu Wuji and Ningyang improved markedly, leading him to share, "The truth is quite complicated. Ultimately, it was the elder who was at fault. He was too young back then, and the lady, too headstrong. Who would have thought it would end like this..."

Gu Wuji then inquired, "How do you confirm that the spirit haunting this house is hers? Has anyone actually seen her?"

"The only witnesses are myself and the new lady of the house. Though many strange occurrences led people to believe it was her spirit causing mischief, no one had actually seen her until that night. While patrolling, I glimpsed a fleeting shadow in a mirror, heading toward the elder's room, followed by the new lady's screams."

Gu Wuji scanned the surroundings but noticed no mirrors—likely removed after the incident to avoid provoking further disturbances.

The butler sighed, "After that, the new lady disappeared, only to be found as a corpse later. The incident deeply affected the elder, who since then avoided further entanglements."

"The lady's spirit, however, never left, and strange happenings continued in the house. Though no one else was harmed, the occasional appearance of bloodstains exhausted many servants. Had the elder not persisted and later a sage advised on how to suppress her spirit, this place might have become ruins."

"Is that so," Gu Wuji acknowledged.

Ningyang shook his head, "It's incomprehensible to continue living here, no different from courting death. It's a wonder Elder Xia still appears so hale... certainly better than most his age."

Gu Wuji, pondering Ningyang's words, felt a fleeting insight.

As they turned a corner in the corridor, they encountered several spirits, but these lesser ghosts posed no threat, likely attracted by the house's yin energy. If not for Ningyang's presence, Gu Wuji might have cleansed them all himself.

The butler was sweating profusely, having never encountered so many ghosts in his life.

Soon, they arrived at their destination. Standing at the door, Gu Wuji sensed a strong yin energy, confirming he was in the right place.

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