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Soifon arrived at the cemetery and parked her car before stepping out. She held a small bouquet of flowers that she had obtained earlier and walked towards Julie's grave, releasing a sigh. Upon reaching her sister's resting place, she bent down to place the flowers on top of the grave.

"Apologies for my absence, Jewels," she whispered to the stone. "Things have been quite chaotic." Soifon gazed up at the clear sky, blinking back a few tears that threatened to fall, and let out another sigh before speaking once more.

"There are times when I wish I could have taken your place, but then I considered that I wouldn't be able to be with Erin if I had done so. She means a lot to me." She whispered as she felt the wind pick up slightly.

"I still blame myself every day for what transpired. I shouldn't have allowed you to pick me up that day. If only I had been strong enough to put a stop to Ace much earlier." Tears streamed down her face as she uttered those words.

She adjusted her sleeve to clear her teary eyes upon hearing a voice. 'Are you alright?' queried Kelly, approaching with a display of concern in his eyes. 

Soifon composed herself and took a deep breath. 'Yes, I am alright,' she responded. Soifon observed as Kelly acknowledged her reply and turned his attention towards Julie's grave. 'Is she your sister?' he inquired, directing his gaze back at Soifon.

'Indeed, she is my adopted sister,' Soifon acknowledged, her eyes fixed on Julie's tombstone. Suddenly, Kelly tapped her shoulder, commanding her attention. 'I understand how you feel; I lost my best friend a few years ago,' he revealed. Soifon expressed her condolences, saying, 'I am sincerely sorry to hear that.'

Kelly nodded and let out a sigh. 'It has been quite some time, but the pain of her loss still lingers. However, I know Shay would probably reprimand me if I continue blaming myself for her untimely demise,' he confessed.

"I agree," Soifon affirmed, exhaling with a sense of weariness. "Had I not requested Julie to pick me up at the airport last year, her untimely demise might have been prevented."

Proceeding to walk towards a nearby bench, situated a short distance from her sister's grave, she was joined by Kelly, who settled down beside her. "If you don't mind me asking," he inquired, "could you please enlighten me on what transpired?"

Fixing her gaze upon him, the woman with raven-colored locks emitted a sigh. "No, it's quite alright. Sharing the details may serve as a temporary diversion from my current preoccupations," she replied, as Kelly tenderly patted her back. A faint smile adorned his face as he uttered, "Take your time."

Unbeknownst to either of them, they were under the scrutiny of two individuals positioned a mere few feet away.

Soifon reciprocated with a smile, offering a nod of acknowledgement before taking a deep breath. Despite her limited acquaintance with Kelly, she perceived him as someone capable of lending a compassionate ear.

"I had just returned from residing in Florida for a span of five years, endeavoring to escape the presence of an individual whom I wished to avoid at all costs. However, it appears that he managed to pursue me back to this location," she commenced her narrative.

* flashback*

Soifon stood patiently outside the airport, awaiting her sister's arrival. She couldn't help but scan her surroundings occasionally, ensuring that the person she was trying to escape hadn't followed her from Florida. Her gaze shifted towards the rain, watching as drops fell relentlessly.

As she stood there, she noticed the headlights of a car approaching, which eventually pulled up in front of her. Soifon's face lit up with a smile when she saw a fair-skinned brunette stepping out of the vehicle and approaching her. 

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