-=Howdy! I'm Still Alive, I swear!=-

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Howdy! I don't like publishing things that aren't actually chapters, so I'll make this as quick as I can...

First and foremost, I am not dead, just very busy. And! I am still writing H&H. The reason I am posting this notice here is because I have not published a chapter in over two months. I try to post chapters every 2-3 weeks, or at most a month, since the previous one was released... Obviously, that is not the case. It has been over a month, and I have failed you. :(

There are a few reasons why I have not been able to publish the chapter... The first is time. School was the main reason I had no time, but now that it's over, I should be able to do more writing and work on other things. However, I am still going to spend time with my friends who I don't see very much, and my family now that they are off as well. So some of my time will be taken up with them. Also, I have other projects that have to be completed over the summer, so I gotta multitask.

Secondly, there is a loss of motivation. I was in a bit of a slump a few weeks ago. I think it was seasonal depression, but I'm over it now. It happens every few months, and it's nothing I can't climb out of. Unfortunately, It's led to some burnout and an awful sleep schedule. It's not fun, but it is manageable.

The third and the main reason is Chapter 21 itself... This chapter is a pain to write. At first, I couldn't decide how I wanted it to go down. Eventually, I came to something that I was satisfied with. Then, I had to put it into words. Writing for Asher or any character can be annoying at times, especially when I'm trying to have them act differently but stay in character. Having Asher act differently feels a bit weird. Then, I didn't know what I wanted him to say or how the other person in the chapter would react or respond to him. I want the dialogue to feel natural and get across the emotions the characters are feeling without being too off. Asher rarely talks about or reveals anything about himself; when he does, he needs to act differently... Not like himself... Not, what he sees in his own eyes as normal... Chapter 21 is going to be a rather critical one for our ashy-colored arsonist...

Words and flashbacks can be brightened through rose-colored glasses... The truth cannot...

So... Those are the reasons... As I said before, I am still writing Headaches and will not stop until unforeseen consequences occur in my life that force me to. That being said, I believe I have found a way to properly write and develop the chapter, solving problem number three. I need a bit more time to write the chapter... As of writing this message, chapter 21 is 10,000+ words long, it's not even finished yet, and I have yet to edit it... Yikers.

Once it's done and I release it, I should be back on a regular upload schedule of a chapter every 2-3 weeks. Now that summer has started, I can get back on track with writing in regard to this and some other projects of mine. I'll upload Chapter 21 as soon as I get it done and edited. Being a perfectionist is a bit of a pain...

Anyways, thanks for clicking on this "chapter," and thank you even more for reading. I hope you are all safe wherever you are, and I hope to see you all in the next chapter! In the meantime...

Let there be light!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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Headaches & Hazbins: Book 1: New Kind of Life, New Kind of HellWhere stories live. Discover now