── ii. the actor

Start from the beginning

The girl sat upright, immediately snapping her neck in Dohwa's direction.


"Did'cha solve anything?"

She deadpanned. "Are you seriously asking me that?"

So this conversation was going to lead nowhere. How unfortunate. He'd have to manifest a new topic from thin air instead; and he knew exactly what, or who, to talk about. Not like he had been deliberately waiting for an excuse to mention his human diary or anything. Totally not.

"Remember Y/N? The one I told you and Eunhyeok about?"

Su-ae pinched her brows together in a frown. "...Yeah. The one you talk to on call every day, right?"

"Yeah, well, she has this friend called Seojun, and let's just say," He shifted a bit to emphasize his words, "that it's a complicated situation. He has liked her for about a while now. She's, at best, neutral about him, or she thought she was until recently. It was her birthday a few days ago and he got her a pretty thoughtful gift, just like anyone would for their crush. She ended up liking it a lot." There was a short pause in which he searched the depth of Su-ae's eyes. "Does that... does that mean she reciprocates his feelings?"

A slow, knowing smile found her lips. "Oho... I see how it is."

"Huh?" Dohwa blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing." She brushed it off with a shrug. "To answer your question—no, that doesn't necessarily mean she likes him back. But gestures like these can act as a catalyst to amplify her feelings for him. If he kept at it, she'd end up tripping and boom," A clap of her hands resonated around them. "Classic high school love story."

He nodded, registering her words at his own pace. His heart stuttered a bit, a painful tug following the fleeting sensation that was set aflame — this was something that had happened in the past whenever he saw Eunhyeok with Su-ae. However, it couldn't be the case this time. It definitely couldn't. He'd been seeing them together every goddamn minute of the day, but the burning inferno had long reduced to a dead flicker, no longer seizing his lungs.

Why was that bloody contraption of his repeating the same old antics? Why did his chest tighten so much?

"Anyway," He started, ignoring the momentary discomfort. "What sort of gift should I get her? Y'know, I'm pretty competitive."

"My God. You've never cared enough to get gifts for someone. What's going on?"

"She's a really close friend." There was an unnoticeable tremor in his voice as he repeated the term 'friend' inside his head. "You know, just like you."

Even more than you.

"...Then I suppose she deserves the best treatment."


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the summer of 1993 ── dohwa baekWhere stories live. Discover now