Long lost family

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I sat on the couch beside Gail while the brother I never knew about sat across from us in a recliner. My eyes raked over him from head to toe while I studied his features. We had the same dark brown hair and blue eyes. His face was slightly wider than mine, but you could see similar features.

"Hayden carries the same last name," Mason mentioned.

I glanced at Mason, unimpressed. "Should that thrill me?"

Mason rolled his eyes. "No, but it made it easier for me to find him."


Mason's expression changed to annoyance. What? Was he expecting me to get on my hands and knees and kiss the ground he walked on because he found my long, lost brother? That wasn't happening.

"Hunter, I wanted to give you a family," Mason added like his actions should make me grateful.

"I have a family. Do you see this fiery redhead sitting beside me?" I pointed to Gail.

Gail wiggled her fingers and smiled at Mason.

"I asked her to marry me. She said yes. There's my family."

"You need more than a woman to give you a family," Mason said.

Gail glared at Mason.

"I need a woman if I want a family. That's the whole point. Did you skip biology in high school? Someone needs to carry the kid. And it can't be me. I don't have the right equipment," I said.

Mason rolled his eyes again. "Having a sibling differs from children."

"How so? I've met your siblings. One's a certifiable idiot."

Carrington scowled at me. "You're no prize, either."

"Want to bet?" I raised my brow.

"How about we take this outside so I can shoot you?"

"Shoot me, and I'll get up and break every bone in your damn body. You shot me once." I raised my finger. "You don't get a second try."

"Settle down before I beat the hell out of both of you," Mason told us.

Carrington and I stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move.


I turned my attention to Mason. This guy always has his hand in the mix with people's lives. He couldn't leave well enough alone. Oh, no. First, he had to find a reason for me to pledge my loyalty to him. Next, he dragged Gail into the mix to keep me locked down. Now, he drags my long, lost brother as an incentive. The man has no shame.

"Hunter, I know meeting your brother doesn't sit well with you," Mason said.

"That's an understatement," I said.

"But Hayden and you have similar qualities."

"The same qualities you want to use to do your dirty work."

Joseph coughed to cover up his laugh.

"I hate to say it. But the kid has a point," Carrington said.

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