Here's a little diddy about a fiery red head

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I arrived on the college campus after Marco dropped me by chopper. I gave him a two-finger salute before he lifted off. I pulled the strap of my duffel bag over my shoulder, grabbed the handle of the hard suitcase, and walked to Gail's apartment.

I reached it and disarmed the alarm and cameras before slipping inside. Once inside, I engaged the alarm system and cameras. By my calculations, I had thirty minutes to prep the living room. I set the hard case suitcase on the couch and opened it. I got to work, knowing I was on limited time.


The Professor finished his lecture. I gathered my textbook and notebook and shoved it into my bag. I pulled the strap onto my shoulder and led the classroom. Richard was waiting near the entrance for me and escorted me to the apartment.

Once we reached my front door, I disengaged the alarm and unlocked the door. I entered my apartment and halted in my steps with my mouth cracked. Hunter stood in my living room with a bouquet of roses and rose petals scattered around. Two lit candles were on the coffee table.

I shut the door, walked to Hunter, and stopped when I reached him. "What is all this?"

"This is something I had planned for a while. These are for you." Hunter handed me the bouquet.

I let my bag slide to the floor and took the flowers from Hunter. Hunter pulled something from his pocket. I checked to see what he had in his hand. Then, he got down on one knee and opened the small black velvet box. My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped. I dropped the roses and covered my mouth as a gasp escaped my lips.


Gail stood before me in utter shock at me on bended knee. Good. I wanted her to understand I meant what I said when we were younger. She was mine. Now, I was making her officially mine.

I held out my hand to Gail. She placed her hand in mine.

"Gail, with fiery red hair, you flipped my world upside down when we met in that park. But you're the only one that has that right. When I told you you were mine, I meant it. Now, I want to make it official. Will you marry me?"

"Oh, hell! Yes!" Gail screamed and jumped in her spot.

I slipped the ring on her finger before standing and pulling her into a searing kiss. Nothing could ruin his moment except for one person. And he was about to throw my life into an upheaval.


I sat in the back seat of the SUV with Hayden as Joseph and Carri sat in front. It took me time for me to tracked down Hunter's older half-brother. Their father had gotten a young pregnant and threatened the girl if she didn't end the pregnancy. So, the girl ran and hid.

After running a DNA test on Hunter, Joseph received a paternal match, leading us to Hayden Micheals. It took a lot of finessing to persuade Hayden to come with me to meet Hunter.

Carri glanced at Hayden and me sitting in the backseat. "I don't know what's more disturbing. The similarities between Hunter and this guy, or their quietness."

Hayden arched his brow.

"Don't worry about Carri. He enjoys opening his mouth and speaking nonsense. And he doesn't listen for shit," I said.

Carri rolled his eyes and turned to face the front.

"You haven't informed Hunter of your arrival, have you?" Joseph asked me.

"Hunter understands to expect a visit from me when he's home on leave," I said.

"I find your and Hunter's relationship disturbing on so many levels," Carri said.

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