~Friends Meetup~

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Continuation of last part:

Soon after few minutes our class finished and I was going to leave with Sa rang when I saw him coming towards me and everyone staring at me.

To avoid any more trouble I decided to ignore him and go outside before he could approach me.. So I quickly held Sa rang's hand and literally started dragging her outside with me..

" Wait" I heard Taehyung's Deep husky voice and a shiver ran down my spine.
" Come back here" he ordered me like a king and I mentally scoff hearing him.
" Does he think of himself as a king and me as his servant who is bound to listen to him" I thought. But then I again started moving out..

" Can't you hear what I am saying Shorty??" He exclaimed and I was literally shaking in fear..Besides everyone was gulping in fear as well. Jungkook came forward to explain him and he just stopped him by giving him a glance..

When I didn't move from my place I felt his steps coming towards me and when I felt coming him nearer more nearer I just took my last chance to escape and started moving out..

I had barely taken a step ahead when I felt a ward hand wrap around my cold wrist which was due to fear.. I turned me around and then pulled me a little closer to him but not so closer... Still I was feeling something inside my stomach when he held my hand pulled me towards himself..I don't know what that feeling is and how I could explain it..

I came out of my trance when I again heard his deep, husky voice but this time from close.." Can't you hear when I called you shorty?? Or are you perhaps trying to ignore me?? Do you think you can go without getting your answers back??" He said in a calm voice but it was enough to send a shiver down my spine..

" W-what a-answers" I asked while stuttering.. He smirked a little when I stuttered." I knew that you are dumb but I didn't knew that you were this much stupid that you would forget about the things few minutes later after they happened" he replied me more like humiliated me..
" Well, let me remind you that I am talking about that desk incident" He said to me..I was mentally cursing myself for shouting at him and even thinking that he would forget about it and let it go..

" Well, Shorty you see, I am not a small person like you. I have a quiet good height so it is difficult for me to keep it in such a small space..And for your information it was my desk only not yours....you were the one who was putting her legs in my desk and after that you even dared to shout at me." He told me but all this time his face was all cold with no expression..,I tried to free myself from his grip but he was not letting me do so..

" L-leave me Mr Kim" I told him but he was not loosening his grip. Then I saw Sa rang coming towards me to help me but I indicated her through my eyes not to do so as I didn't wanted her to get in his bad side for trying to help me..But she was not listening so I indicated Jungkook to take her outside with him and he did so.. I was still struggling in his hold but was unable to free myself as he was very strong..

 His Fated Love Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang