"Everyone," I say and the class agrees, nodding their heads.

"Welp, good luck in class and I'll see ya later," she says, heading toward the door. "Be at the beach by sundown, okay!"

Nodding my head with a smile, I take my seat again and pretend none of this just happened because if I start to overthink it, I'll probably die of embarrassment.

Thankfully, the class goes by faster than usual, and besides a few people wishing me a happy birthday on their way out, nobody mentions Impa's stunt to me. And as far as I could tell, nobody recorded it this year.

I pack my things and get up. Mipha is waiting for me, checking her notifications.

"You're coming to the beach too, right?" I ask her as I pick up my bag.

"I wouldn't miss it!" she beams. "Though I'm still trying to convince Revali."

"I wouldn't count on him to show up," I laugh.

She giggles lightly, "Social gatherings aren't really his thing. You know how he is sometimes. "

"Sometimes?" I laugh. "Anti-social is kind of his default setting."

We're the last students in the room. As always. But today we have a good excuse to stay longer; I'm actually waiting for Link. He said he'd pick us up after class so we could all ride in one car.

Pik packs up his things, making small talk with us as we wait.

"So, you guys are having a beach party tonight?" He says.

"Yes, Zelda is having a little birthday get-together," Mipha explains.

"Sounds like a good way to celebrate," Pik smiles. "I'm glad you're doing something fun for your birthday!"

"You should come," I say.

He declines with a soft smile, "I can't. Thank you though."

"Why not?" I prod.

"I need to start packing up my things. I'm moving on October 1st, which I realized is only two weeks away."

"It can't wait a day?" I tease him.

"With my condition, I should start as early as possible... It'll likely take me 10 times longer than the average person to move my stuff into the new place."

"Why don't you just hire a moving company?" Mipha asks.

"Those are price," he explains, "and I'm hesitant about stuff getting stolen. You know, it's fairly easy to rob a blind man."

Poor Pik. I can't even begin to imagine having to move from the dorms into an apartment without sight.

"Link and I will help you move," I offer.

"Oh, I can't accept that."

"Come on," I practically beg. "It's really not a big deal. That way you can come to the beach tonight. You deserve a fun little break. It'll be good for you! It's just Link, Revali, Mipha, Impa, and me. It's just a comfortable little gathering with music and smores!"

Pik doesn't say anything. He just blesses me with another sincere and grateful smile, and continues to pack up his things. He's searching for the off button on the projector again, but per usual, he doesn't ask for help. I really wish he would. Needing a hand sometimes is completely normal and he shouldn't feel bad for accepting help.

I reach for the button, eager to help him, but he reaches it right before me, making our fingers touch. "You beat me to it," I say, trying not to sound too proud of him.

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