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Веер. Веер. Веер.

I opened my eyes to realize I was on a hospital bed. I gently stepped out of the bed to meet the greatest shock of my life... Myself.

I was lying on the bed.

This is... Impossible!

How I'm I here and there?

The door immediately swung up revealing mummy's face. She looked like she had been crying.

"mommy! mommy!" she didn't notice me. Strange.

She walked past me to the bed and started caressing the other...me.

I called her so many times but she couldn't see me, and when I tried touching her, my hand went through.

She cried and sobbed... I started crying too. I'm a ghost...

Joshua walked in. He looked different. He he'd grown beards. That's weird...

"mommy, you can't keep doing this to yourself. She'll be fine soon" Josh tried consoling mum.

"That's what everyone says but it has been more than a year now and she's still in a comma"

Oh my God... I've been in a comma for more than a year.

"Joshua! Joshua!" I called out but he didn't seem to hear me. I tried everything I could but they couldn't see me.

"This is all Isabella's fault" Josh said

"I'll make sure that stup!d girl stays in jail" mom added.

Stays in jail...

Does it mean Isabella is behind bars?

"Her parents are trying to get her out" Josh said

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen as soon as we get back to Nigeria" mom assured

"So we're finally leaving the US?"

"Just for awhile. We can't leave Steph here for a long time" mom replied

A white man walked in. I guess he was the doctor but he wasn't wearing a coat.

"Oh doc, it's good you're here. My son and I will be out of the country for a few days and I wanted to be sure my daughter is in good hands" mom stood up to face the doctor.

"Of course. But we have one problem... "

"what?" mom and Josh asked in unison.

"Stephanie was transferred here a year ago and since then, there hasn't been any improvement. Stephanie can't even breathe on her own.... "

"What are you trying to say Doc?" mom cut him off

"The only thing keeping her alive are these machines. I think it's time to say goodbye" the doctor said with his American accent.

"We came here all the way from Nigeria because I thought you would give her the best treatment and here you are telling me this crap!" moms voice was shaky. She was going to break down in tears any second.

"We can't do what you're asking of us Doc. You're asking us to k!ll her" Josh fought back the tears escaping his eyes.

"you're only making things worse for your sister. It's not advisable to keep her this way" the doctor said

"You're not removing that oxygen mask or turning off that machine till my daughter wakes up. Do I make myself clear?" mom was pointing at the doctor with anġer.

The doctor let out a sigh before nodding his head "yes ma'am". He left without another word being said and mom burst into tears immediately. Josh hugged her tight as tears rolled down his cheeks "everything will be okay mom"

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