Chapter 3

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The days become weeks,weeks became months...but the trio were the same.

Samara is an ordinary girl. Her parents have big companies internationally. From this you all can understand she is rich. Yet she didn't show any of these, she lived her life according to her dreams and wishes. Getting Tia and Reagan as her bff is one of the best part in her life. Her parents are really loving and caring towards her...always supports her in her every right choices. They were so happy when she got admission in her dream uni.


Days went well and smooth. The love and care between these three increased.

ONE DAY.. these three were in the library checking for the refrence books for their upcoming examinations. " Ughh...these exams and schedules are getting hectic...I just HATE THESE..." Said Tia. " But we have no other choice." Regan said. " Where is this girl? She has been in washroom for a while now!!!" Tia said boringly, searching for Sam. "SAM HERE!!!" Regan said loudly catching Tia and Sam's attention.

Sam came running towards them. " Where were you?" Tia asked. "Washroom I told u guys...!" "This much time in washroom is ok ig" Regan said confusingly. "Forget it.." Tia interrupted. "Let's go check the reference"... The trio went.

"Ehh..this is not the one.." Samara said. "Ohh...I told u Tia, this is not the book.!" Regan said. While Tia smiled nervously. "Umm--sorry guys, bad.. come lets go and check it again."" No thanks" Regan interrupted. "Sam you go and are the only one who have sense here..even I lost my own being with her.." Regan said annoyingly. "Yaah..what did you say?? Huh?!" Tia asked angrily. "It's ok guys,don't start again...please.. I will go and check" Sam said. "Good" Regan said and Tia rolled her eyes.

On the way, Sam bumped into someone causing him to fall down with a pile of books that was in his hands. "Ohh-- I'm so sorry I didn't see you.." "Umm-- it's ok.." He said nervously while scratching the back of his neck looking at the books which is scattered on the floor. " I will help you to collect it. Btw are you okay?? What's your name??"Sam asked. "Umm-- my name is KEVIN and yeah I'm ok... Thanks for asking. What's your name?". "Ohh sorry.. my name is Samara". "Pretty like you" . "Err-- thanks ig..". They both collected the books. Sam felt a stare on her so she looked up from the floor and saw him staring at her. "Umm--what's wrong? Is there something on my face?" " Ehh-- no nothing.. hehe". Sam chuckled seeing him nervous around her. "It's ok you don't have to be nervous around me..chill. Well don't you have any friends? I'm pretty sure you have been here for long!!" Sam asked him. "Well then you must be new here. I don't have much friends they all think I'm a nerd." Kevin said sadly. "Ohh-" Sam said. " don't have to worry. I'm familiar with this feeling now. Btw thanks for helping." "No problem." Sam said smilingly. "Kevin" Sam called him. "Yup" Kevin turned around as he was going back. "Can you tell me where the refrence books are?" "Oh yeah sure.. it's in the third block.." "Thanks and nice meeting you". "Yeah me too" Kevin said with a hidden smirk which was gone unnoticed by Sam.

Sam went to the third block and searched for the book. Suddenly she saw an unknown orange light behind the book when she took it out. "What's that?" Sam asked herself. She tried to touch it, she realised it is a bit far from her. The light shining so brightly that it almost hypnotized her. She followed the light and at the end, when she was going to catch.......


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