Chapter 16

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Franz knew he couldn't protect his sister forever, he knew that one day, somehow, the Kraang would work it's way into their lives once again, he just didn't expect for it to be now, not when he was so sure that they would be safe for a few more years.

And he knew he couldn't change places, not when they've already settled in, not when [Name] is much more happier now than she was back then, he didn't want to take away that happiness of hers.

He finally got to let her live a normal life that he fought so hard for her to live, he didn't want her to be in harms way, but regarding the fact she's met someone whose been opposing the Kraang, he couldn't seperate the two of them, not when she spoke of him so fondly despite knowing him for quite some time now.

Was she even safe when she was with them? He was told of their abilities and.. mutation, but he might need to see them for himself to be able to make a proper decision, it regards his younger sister after all, he wasn't going to make baseless assumption with the little information he has.

When [Name] went home along with Casey and April, Donnie had settled inside his lab to read about the experimentation that had went underway with [Name] as one of the known surviving subjects.

As he began reading through it, it was quite adamant that they focused more on the effects the mutagen had on her body and overall health, whether would she display signs of being mutated or her overall losing her sanity.

What they wanted was a weapon of destruction, most likely being able to withstand the conditions of being in the planet where the Kraang had originated from.

He wasn't so sure if he wanted to experiment on [Name]'s blood, given her history.. He didn't want to bring up anything bad for her, he only wanted to be a good friend and only show her good things.

He wanted this friendship to work, he wanted the two of them to grow closer, he finally found himself a new friend who was willing to be by his hide, and he was not going to have all of that be ruined so easily....

It didn't help that they also had used an entirely different mutagen back during when she was younger, the production for this type of mutagen seemed to have stopped when [Name] disappeared.

From here on out, this chapter will take a much different turn so, if you may be uncomfortable to the contents of it please resume to the next chapter, it contains some depictions of horror (once there is, you may just skip this part)

"It seems subject 2586 is no longer responding... " a woman's voice said, the surroundings were dark, the air was cold and suffocating....

Different men and women seemed to be gathered around a metal table, poking and prodding at something.

It appeared to have been human, or at least what was left of it at least, their stomach was cut open to show off the insides , it's organs displayed and laid onto the cold table, their skin was gray, foam seemed to come out of their mouth and their eyes we're seeming to be building out of the sockets.

"Another failed experiment... " A man sighed, crossing out a picture that belonged to the person that now laid dead on the table.

"If only we hadn't lost that one successful test subject, we wouldn't have had to redo the entire thing, we'd be having much more better results by now. " Another complained, seeming to be writing away on his clipboard as his eyes glanced at a particular man.

With (s/c) skin, black hair, tired (e/c), Ruben had side eyed his coworkers coldly, seeming to be encouraging to have them to continue talking with their mouths, because if he gets their hands on them... they won't have any mouths to continue blabbering with.

"Ruben, I believe it is best we head back to our quarters.. " a woman says, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort, he turns around and is faced with his wife Odalia, who is currently 6 months pregnant.

He visibly softened and placed a gentle hand over his pregnant wife's belly, "You're right, you always are.." he says softly, placing his forehead on her own, guiding her out of the room with a hand on the small of her back while they drown out noises of choking and wheezing before it were to fall silent once more.

"Do you think Franz is caring for her properly?" His wife asked, eyes skimming the different glass windows that peeked into different rooms, one of which a Kraang soldier was inside room with another pregnant woman, helping her give birth with other worldly tools and methods.

The sight having made Odalia rub her belly as she continued to walk casually down the hallway, some screams being heard, despite the sound proof rooms in the institution.

"Franz was made to protect our perfect soldier, it's only his purpose to do so." Ruben said, dismissively, to which Odalia only hummed , "But they were just the cutest babes..." She sighed.

❦880 words
❦I hope you guys aren't too mad at me for not being able to upload as much, the chapters seem to become shorter, so I try my best, given how my live for writing is disappearing because of how much stuff I'm doing, but since it's almost the end of the school year...maybe I'll publish more..maybe:,)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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