~Part 5~ Let's get high?

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As Carlos and I stepped into the room, there he was, Mr. Binotto, looking as solid as a rock.
You could practically feel the disappointment radiating off him. But we gave it our all, we tried our best.
He rose from his seat as we approached, placing a hand on our shoulders and offering a half-smile. "I know I've been tough on you guys, and I know you did your best this time," he said, his tone surprisingly gentle. "But next time, let's aim for better, alright?"
Damn. I mean It would've been easier if he had just yelled at us, but this soft disappointment? It stung worse than anything to be honest.

Then he dropped the bombshell: "You guys need to win back your fans' support.
Attend every event and interview you can. Remember, we're nothing without our fans."
We nodded along, mentally preparing ourselves for the PR whirlwind ahead.
But then came the curveball: "The after party's at 6, so be there with your partners.
And Carlos, don't sweat it, we'll find you a fake date because the media is going to be there and we need you to have a partner who can potentially be your PA as well. So get a partner soon so I don't have to find a partner for you to go to places."
Hold up, partners? When did that come into play? I shot him a confused look, only for Mr. Binotto to casually mention, "Ahh Leclerc, you already have Alexandra."
That name sent shivers down my spine. "Uh, we're not together anymore," I mumbled, feeling the fresh pain in every inch of my body. I lost one of my best friends too, along with her. I don't know , whether what we had is love but we cared about each other. Suddenly everything went down , we were always fighting over silly things and we would also try to fix them up but it never worked. It only brought new scars.
It was one of the toughest decisions , but we took it for each other because we cared about each other's well being.
I've moved on.
I don't believe in love and never had I ever believed in it.

But Mr. Binotto wasn't having it. "What?You need a partner for these events, Leclerc. No ifs, ands, or buts." he said
"Oh thanks Mr Binotto for your "Oh that's sad how are you now?" I'm fine you know thanks" he shook his head and said "I didn't see the spark in you guys anyways"
Easy for him to say but that's kind of true.
"Well, where am I supposed to find a partner in a week? This isn't some game" I protested.
His solution?
"Find a fake partner, then."
Seriously dude? Did he just suggest I find a fake date? I shot him a look that could kill, but he didn't back down.
"Do you want me to find one for you ?" he teased. I didn't bother answering.
"Oh, Leclerc, you are definitely the Satan's spawn", he muttered under his breath a bit louder so I could hear.
I turned to Carlos who would've broken his neck by now listening to our conversation from one person to another.
He didn't say a word, and I knew that I'm done for.
But Binotto wouldn't' be able to find a person that soon ,I'll have time to process.

At least I hoped so.

At 5:30
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It's 5:30 now and I'm already in my tuxedo ready to head to the party. I sure hope Binotto didn't go ahead and find me a partner, 'cause truth be told, I couldn't care less about what the media thinks.

I'm totally not down with the idea of running into Max Verstappen. It's beyond annoying - I can't stand the guy!
Him and his robotical expressions, I do think that he's not real at times. And you know what's even worse? Every time I step out, someone's going to come and call me "Max." Like, hello? I don't even remotely look like the dude. Are they trolling me or what?

But hey, on the bright side, this tuxedo feels like a cloud - so comfy. Seriously, I could live in this thing forever. No joke!
And as for drinking today , no I won't.
I won't touch the bottle today

~One True Love~ Charles Leclerc F1Where stories live. Discover now