4. Time's Relentless March

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Time's relentless march, a steady beat,
Measured in moments, ever fleet.
It marches on, with silent stride,
Through valleys low and mountains wide.

In the tapestry of life, it weaves its thread,
Moments lived, moments fled.
It knows no pause, no backward glance,
Time's relentless march, an endless dance.

With every tick of the clock, it moves along,
Singing its silent, relentless song.
It whispers secrets, lost in the night,
As stars twinkle with borrowed light.

Through the sands of time, it slips away,
Leaving echoes of yesterday.
It shapes the world, it shapes our fate,
Time's relentless march, we cannot abate.

So let us embrace each passing day,
In the dance of time, find our way.
For in the rhythm of life's sweet art,
We find the beating of time's own heart.

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