something lost, something gained

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Rajbow req by Looni24

Hope u like!!

{After his elimination, Raj is worried about being separated from Wayne for the next few days. Until he remembers that someone else is waiting for him at playa del losers.}

~Watching the island get smaller and smaller as he got carried away by the funny little drone, Raj continued to wave manically to his blonde friend until he was out of sight. He looked down to the glittering sea below him, and his eyes sparkled as he watched the pool of blue. It was calm, and not too windy, so the ocean lay still, with only a few waves occasionally splashing atop eachother. As he watched the waves, Raj smiled to himself. He was very upset to be leaving Wayne all by himself on Wawanakwa, and the idea that he wouldn't see him for a few days terrified him. But, his nerves were calmed slightly when he realised what the drone was taking him to - or who the drone was taking him to.

Bowie had been eliminated about two weeks prior, and it had hit Raj badly. He spent a lot of time in between, and even during, challenges thinking about his boyfriend, and how much he wanted him back on the island. He still had a lot of fun - he had his best bud Wayne, of course - but there was always the feeling that something was.. missing.

Craning his neck to look behind him, Raj spotted a grand, white building approaching. Last season, Raj hadn't spent much time on the 'loser island', instead spending a lot of his time off the show recovering in a hospital bed. He'd spent the final few days before the finale there - he think he joined when Emma was eliminated - but he didn't remember much about this separate island.

Suddenly, Raj dropped onto Playa Del Losers, the drone swiftly leaving with a buzz. A shadow loomed over him; he opened his eyes and looked up.

'Hey there.'

It was Bowie. Raj grinned as Bowie pulled him up onto his feet.

'How are you?' Bowie asked, but Raj answered by pulling the taller boy into a tight hug. The brunette said something, but his words were muffled by Bowie's shirt.

'What was that?' Bowie asked.

Raj tilted his head up to look at his boyfriend and grinned. 'I missed you.'

'I missed you too.' The blonde smiled. 'Come on, let's go inside.'

But Raj was not moving. His feet remained planted firmly into the ground, his face still smushed against Bowie's chest. Suddenly, Bowie grabbed Raj's waist and hoisted him upwards, throwing him over his shoulder.

'Hey!' Raj shrieked in between giggles. 'Put me down!'

Bowie marched into the hotel, Raj still slung over his shoulder, while the brunette giggled and laughed and kicked his feet. When they entered the lobby, Bowie gently put him down.

'You need a room,' Bowie stated.

'You've got a room.'


'Can't I just, share with you?' Raj asked, looking up at Bowie with wide eyes.

'I mean, yeah. Of course.' Bowie winked at the shorter boy. 'But I thought you'd want your own space after sharing a cabin with like, three other people for a few weeks.'

'Ehh, I've kinda only been sharing with Wayne. You and Chase and Ripper went ages ago. Besides, I'll have my own space at home. I want your space.' He jabbed a finger at Bowie's chest.

Bowie flushed slightly. 'You're adorable.'

Raj quickly looked down. 'I mean- unless you don't wanna share a room. That's fine, I'll just- i can-'

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