Books and Looks

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noah works at a bookstore and alejandro is enamored (ft. flustered alenoah, slightly oblivious alenoah, and fluff)


The smell of a new book was something Alejandro could never get over.

Something about it just made him relax and sigh in contentment. It was similar to the smell of a new car, he thinks.

Alejandro shakes his head and waves the nonsensical thoughts away, grabbing his new book and heading to the counter.

Though he wasn't exactly sure on the book, he had somewhere to be so he couldn't spend a while reading to ensure he actually wanted to purchase the book.

Which, Alejandro thinks as he waits in line, isn't ideal. If he didn't like the book, he'd have a useless book he disliked existing on his shelf, taking up a spot a book he actually liked could've had.

"You gonna purchase or just stare off into oblivion?"

Alejandro startles and quickly steps up to the counter, chuckling quietly.

"Ah, sorry. I was a little lost in my head there."

"Yeah, no kidding. I had to say 'sir' like 4 times." Alejandro flushes as the cashier teases, his voice a nasal deadpan.

It suits him, Alejandro notes absentmindedly. A mess of dark hair, equally dark half-lidded eyes, brown skin. Alejandro can't help but take notice of his thin wrists, black hair ties wrapped around them.

When he looks back up, he jumps at the dark eyes latched onto him.

"Sir? I was asking if you'd like to donate to.. uh.." The cashier grimaces as he scrunches his nose, "..Yeah. Would you like to donate?"

Alejandro glances down to where a small box with an image of a man with admittedly nice hair smiling at the camera stands.

"Total.. Drama?" Alejandro reads, glancing up at the cashier.

"Hey, don't look at me. I just ring people up and wipe down tables." The cashier holds his hands up and shrugs, "Let me guess, Chris Mclean?"

Alejandro glances at the name plastered at the bottom.


"Hm. Thought so." The cashier shrugs again and says, "Weirdo. I wouldn't donate if I were you. I'd also not look him up, unless you like messed up hosts."

"Ah. I see, I'll take your word on it, amigo."

The cashier raises an eyebrow at him but looks away and mumbles, "Card."

Alejandro smiles and does as instructed, glancing up at the other.

He catches the cashier staring and smiles one of his charming smiles, watching in delight as the cashier rolls his eyes and huffs.

"Want a bag?"

"No thanks, I'm good." Alejandro takes the book and gives the cashier a wink, delighting in the flustered look he receives in turn.

As he walks out the door, he chances a glance back to the cashier.

Sadly, his phone rings and he remembers business that needs attending.

"I got it, Heather, you already told me last night. I'm going now! Tómalo con calma, chica."

When he enters the book shop later that month, he doesn't exactly remember the boy behind the counter.

Wisps of brown hair and eyes, lidded eyes and thick eyebrows, dark skin that looked soft and smooth flash briefly in his head but other than that?


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