The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

Start from the beginning

"Good afternoon." said Officer Jenny, approaching them.


"I'm with the local police department and I know exactly what you're all doing." said Officer Jenny, causing Team Rocket to scream. "I see you found some change that someone dropped. Whenever money's lost, even a penny, it must be reported to the authorities."

Stunned, James suddenly drops the penny into her hand. "Thanks for being such an observant citizen." Officer Jenny said to Team Rocket. "Now, if you'll just follow me, we'll file a report at the station."

"The station?" asked James.

"We don't want to get in your way, so why don't you go ahead and file it without us and keep the change?" Jessie inquired. "Bye-bye!"

"Welcome. To celebrate the summer's end festival, we will now display the shrine of the Maiden's greatest treasure." said an old man with the treasure next to him. "For 2,000 years, this painting has hung within the shrine of the Maiden. Once each year, it is removed from the shrine and displayed during this festival. As I unveiled the painting, please gaze upon it with reverence."

As he removes the cloth from the painting, Ash, Misty and Hayley gasped as they look at the painting. "Who's that?" asked Jessie.

"She's cute." said Meowth.

"Ah, it's her." said James.

"But it can't be." said Brock, both he and James sighed as they started at the painting of the woman. "She's so incredibly beautiful."

"She's the girl of my dreams. Don't wake me up." said James as the both of them walked towards the painting.

"If he's here than so are the other two." Hayley whispered to Ash and Misty.

"Olu." said Meeko.

"Stay back!" said the old man. "The woman in the painting perished over 2,000 years ago."

"2,000 years." said Brock in a daze.

"She was in love with a brave and handsome young man, but he left her and sailed away to fight in a war." the old man explained.

"I'll wait for you forever. Come back to me. Farewell." said the Maiden.

"And she did wait for a very long time, hoping to see his ship on the horizon." said the old man. "But her true love never returned to that place again. Still, she waited and waited, never moving from that spot, until finally her body was turned into stone, just like the cliff upon which she stood. To this day, she waits for her love to return."

"Just tell me. Where's this rock?" Brock asked.

"Maiden's rock is not far from this shrine." said the old man.

"So that's Maiden's rock." said Brock, looking at the statue facing the ocean. "It's the most beautiful rock I've ever seen."

"Riolu." said Meeko, staring at the statue as she feels something off about it.

"I know. It's giving me weird vibes too." said Hayley.

"I don't care if she's made of stone. I'm still in love with her." said James.

"If she were my girlfriend, I'd make sure she was never out of my sight." said Brock.

"No one would steal her from me, not even Team Rocket." said James. "I'll fight them to keep her safe."

"James you're insane." said Jessie, keeping him from going over the edge. "Why would we steal a thing like that?"

"We could steal the other thing." suggested Meowth.

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