The School of Hard Knocks

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Narrator: As our story continues, we once again find our friends traveling together on their Pokémon journey in perfect harmony.

Hayley: If you can actually call that harmony.

"I'm not letting either of you out of my sight, Ash and Hayley Ketchum, until you both pay for my broken bike." said Misty.

"'My bike! My bike!'" said Ash as he, Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko appeared. "That's all I ever hear from you."

"Right! And my name maybe Misty, but I'm perfectly clear about what you and your sister owe me and you both are not going to get away without paying." said Misty as Hayley had a crazed look on her face.

"Make them stop. Make them stop." said Hayley, covering her ears.

"Maybe if you two had spent less time arguing and paid more attention to where we're going, we'd already be in Vermilion City by now." said Brock. "Come on, we're already late. We've got to start the show." Pikachu, Meeko and Hayley pop up at the bottom of the screen.

Hayley: If I have to hear the two of them argue one more time about her precious bike, I swear that I'll scream all the way there.

Pikachu, waving to the audience: Chu.

Meeko, waving to the audience: Riolu!

"I think we all need a little break." said Brock as he takes out everything from his backpack. "Why don't I just throw a little something together?"

"That's a good idea." said Hayley.

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"Ah! There's nothing as satisfying as a cup of 100% Cerulean Coffee." said Brock. "You kids are too young for this stuff but it's really quite good."

"Can I try a small sip, please?" asked Hayley.

"Alright, but just one sip." said Brock, then takes out some juice. "How about some prune juice?"

"I think I'll pass." said Ash.

"How about some herbal tea?" suggested Misty.

"That's sounds delicious." said Hayley.

"Riolu, Ri?" asked Meeko.

"You can try some, Meeko." Hayley replied as Meeko danced around her.

"You must be kidding." said Ash.

"Not so fast, Ash. I brought my official Pokémon tea set." said Brock, whipping out his tea set.

"Wow!" said Hayley as she and Meeko saw the tea set. "That kind of tea set is expensive!"

"Riol?" asked Meeko.

"More than my mom's paycheck." said Hayley.

"Now, of course, the key to good tea and coffee is good water, and I just happen to have a generous supply of sparkling, delicious Mt. Moon pure spring water." said Brock as he held out a bottle of water. "And for the special snack, I have for you some French crepes."

"Yummy!" said Hayley as Meeko wondered in curiosity.

"(Gasps) I love French things. They are so romantic, aren't they?" asked Misty, daydreaming that she was in France. Ruining her daydream, Ash munches on something and takes a sip of his drink, causing her to hit him.

"All that crunching and slurping is ruining my romantic daydreams." said Misty.

"Ah, by the way." said Brock.


"I can't cook crepes and I can't boil water if I don't have any fire!" said Brock as he and Trixie had cooking utensils in their hands. "One of you is going to have to go into the forest and carry back some firewood."

Pokemon: A Ketchum Journey. Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now