Sparks Fly for Magnemite

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Dark clouds loomed over head as smoke billowed out of their smokestacks.

Narrator: Our friends journey leads them to a desolate factory town, known as Gringey City.

Hayley: Who in their right mind would name their city, 'Gringey'?

Meeko, shrugging her shoulders: Riolu.

Narrator: Good question. It's a depressing place where a few people live and even the ocean winds smell like sludge. Here, their next adventure begins.

"This is a really weird place. Lots of factories but no people." said Ash.

"This place is called Gringey City." said Misty, looking at the book she was holding.

"Gringey?" asked Ash. "Never heard of it."

"I ask the narrator guy about why they called it Gringey City and I'm still waiting to know why." said Hayley.

"It used to be a lively, busy place with all these factories here." said Misty.

"Yeah, they kind of went overboard with factories." said Brock. "Pollution ruined the air and the water here."

"Now I get it....I think." said Hayley, tilting her head.

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"Well, I guess we won't find any Pokémon here." said Ash.

"At least, not anytime soon." added Hayley, looking at Pikachu as sparks came out of his cheeks. "Pikachu, are you feeling, okay?"

"Pika." said Pikachu, swaying a bit.

"Pikachu, Whats wrong?" asked Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu, feeling dizzy.

"Pikachu!" shouted Ash and Hayley as Pikachu falls back and gets an electric shock. Behind them, a magnet like Pokémon glowed its eye as it sees Pikachu. Wearing rubber gloves, Ash carries Pikachu as the quartet ran towards the Pokémon center.

"Hold on, Pikachu." said Ash. "We'll get you to the Pokémon center as soon as we can."

"Stay with us." said Hayley.

"Riolu! Riolu!" said Meeko, panicking.

"Pika." Pikachu said weakly. Not far from the Pokémon center, Team Rocket sees Ash and the others run inside.

"That's them, and they're on their way to the Pokémon center." said Meowth, putting up the periscope.

"To protect the world from devastation...."

"To unite all peoples within our nation....."

Before they could continue with their motto, Jessie and James started to turn purple from the smell. "I can't take it anymore!" said James as he stomps his foot and Jessie waves her arms around.

"This is disgusting!" said Jessie.

"This place stinks!" said James.

"Just chill out and put on the suits I brought you." said Meowth and they put on the suits he brought with him. "This thing pumps in a mixture of oxygen and air freshener."

"That smells good." said Jessie and James, sighing contently.

"Why didn't you tell us about these suits before, Meowth?" James asked.

"We could have choked." said Jessie.

"Quit complaining." said Meowth, brushing them off. "I did come up with this ingenious scheme. Now get in the pipe and swim to the Pokémon center. We're wasting time here."

Pokemon: A Ketchum Journey. Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now