Chapter 2

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Team Poach had been formed several years ago. Pokemon poachers had always been a problem in the Saros region, but it wasn't until they became an organized team that they became a real threat. They stole pokemon from trainers, or caught wild pokemon in protected areas, and then they'd sell them, or use the stronger ones for themselves. They were dangerous, even the police had trouble stopping the team.

And now they could be harming Savannah's father, which is why she was running straight towards them.

Jason was at her side. Their mothers weren't far behind, as well as a few other people from town. Some were calling for them to stop, but Savannah wouldn't, not when she knew she could help.

There were two black trucks sitting outside of the lab. One of them started up and sped away as Savannah and the rest of the group approached. She caught a glimpse of the white and gray logo, a netted P, on the side of the truck before it vanished around a building. 

Savannah flung the lab door open and immediately sent out Eleflow before her mind even comprehended the dark gray camouflage uniforms of the members of Team Poach. Jason was at her side, and sent out Cheeted not a moment later. She had her pokemon transition between using Bubble and Pound, not even hearing what her opponent was saying, only focusing on the Capup they had sent out to battle her with. Once one opponent was defeated, Savannah continued on into the lab along with Jason. It seemed to be that most of Team Poach had fled, likely in the truck Savannah saw earlier, because she only had to battle three people before reaching the back where her father was.

Professor Quiver stood with his back against the wall, a Capup growling at him, and another member of Team Poach speaking to him. Savannah didn't wait to hear what they were saying. She commanded her Eleflow to use Bubble on the light brown and gray puppy pokemon instead. 

"Let him go!" Savannah shouted, doing her best to hide the fearful and rageful tears in her eyes.

"Savannah, No!" Her father shouted. 

The Team Poach grunt had his eyes locked on Eleflow, barely even noticing Savannah. "Well, it seems like we will be getting away with what we came for after all," he said. "Capup, use Bite."

The Capup shook off the attack, and lunged at Eleflow with a dark energy coming from its mouth. Eleflow took the hit well, and fought back with a Pound as Savannah requested. Before the Team Poach grunt could get in another attack, Jason's Cheeted bolted in with a Quick Attack on the Capup, knocking it out and winning them the battle.

"Jason too?" Professor Quiver's voice was filled with panic. "You guys... No."

"I had to come help," Savannah cried as the Team Poach grunt returned his Capup to its pokeball.

"You two seem like excellent trainers," they said, before waiting a moment and staring at his pokeball. "Fine. We'll let you go this time. Not like there's anything I can do about it at the moment anyways." He started making his way towards the door, passing by Savannah and Jason with hatred in his eyes. "This mission wasn't a total loss-"

He was cut off by another member of Team Poach outside. "David shut up. We gotta go before the cops arrive!"

With that, the man bolted out the door. Savannah didn't follow, she went to her father and hugged him. She heard the sounds of a truck starting up its engine, and then quickly driving away. She didn't mind, she just cried with relief that her father was alright.

"Are you ok?" She asked. "That man didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, no I'm fine," Professor Quiver said as he knelt down to look Savannah in the eyes. "But why... why did you have to come back?"

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