'fresh blood'

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Y/n's POV:
It's 6:30 in the morning and i wake up to my alarm, i think to myself 'omg it's my first day as a cop!!' i get up and decide to shower excitedly. once my shower is on i take my pjs off and stare at my cuts from two nights ago for a minute and finally get in. when im finally done my shower i change into my clothes and do my makeup, when i check the time i realize my shift starts in 20 minutes. i quickly finish my makeup and go out the door to my car.
Once i get to the station i have 10 minutes before my shift starts so decide to go get changed in the locker room. i finish changing and i now have 5 minutes so i decide to go sit in the roll call room with my friends from the academy, Lucy Chen and Jackson West.
Y/n: "Hey guys! I'm so excited for today."
Lucy: "me too i just hope i don't get Tim Bradford for my TO because he looks like a bitch tbh."
Y/n: "Omg he does. wtf"
Jackson: "would yall shut up, Sargent Grey is coming"
We go silent and sit down.
Grey: "Goodmorning everyone! today we have some new blood. Alright, we have Lucy Chen, Jackson West and Y/n Diaz. Now we're going to pair you up with our TO'S."
I think to myself  'omg i'm scared i don't wanna get that Bradford guy he actually does seem scary'
Grey: "Alright. Officer Bradford, you get our hotshot. Officer Bishop, you get our legacy. And Officer Lopez, you get Diaz who made her first arrest before clocking in."
Grey: "Alright let's go, good luck to our rookies today."
Lopez: "Alright follow me, also be lucky you didn't get Bradford he's a bit rude sometimes. At least i'm nice." *she smiles*
Y/n: "Well i was kinda glad i got you because you seem nice, no offence to Bradford but he seems to be the hard type."
Lopez: "Oh trust me, he is."
*you guys laugh as he walks by*
Lopez: "I think we're going to be good friends. Anyways, let's go get the war bags."
*you guys get the war bags and walk to the shop*
Lopez: alright. this is your shop, not your car. you got that?"
Y/n: "yes ma'am."
Lopez: "Don't call me ma'am it makes me feel old." * she laughs*
Y/n: " Oookay"
* you guys get out on the streets and find someone doing a drug deal, you guys arrest the guy who had the drugs and take him to the station.*
Lopez: "i'll take him to processing can you start the paperwork?"
Y/n: Yep.
(i'm not very good at writing details so i'm sorry if i do a lot of time skips.)
* a few hours later it's lunch time and you decide to get a salad, you get Lopez her burrito and hand it to her*
Lopez: "thanks!" * she smiles at you*
Y/n: "No problem." *you weakly smile back*
* you take your food and sit with the other rookies*
Jackson: "So Lucy, how's it going with Bradford?"
Lucy: "ugh don't even remind me that i'm paired with him. he already made me get out of the shop and walk. i walked for 15 minutes!!"
Y/n: "jesus christ he really is hard."
Lucy: "yeah. i fucking hate him already. Are you gonna eat your salad Y/n?"
Y/n: "i forgot i had it haha"
Lucy: "So how's it going with your nice TO'S?"
Jackson: "eh it's not bad idk if i like her though."
Y/n: "I like mine she's really nice."
Lucy: "ugh lucky you."
Lopez: "Diaz! Breaks over!!"
Y/n: "Alright gotta go guys. byee!"
*you walk over to the shop from where you were sitting*
Lopez: "Ready to go?"
Y/n: "yeah." *you respond dryly*
*she looks at you confused as to why you responded so dry*
Y/n: "um can you pull over?"
Lopez: "why?"
Y/n: " i think i'm going to be sick."


*she pulls over and you open your door and lean far enough to where she can't see you make yourself throw up*
Lopez: "jesus christ are you okay?"
Y/n "Yeah i'm fine" * you say wiping your mouth*
Lopez: "are you sure? we can go back to the station if you want?"
Y/n: "no i'll be fine."
Lopez: "alright whatever you say."
Dispatch: "7-Adam-19 we have a bank robbery in process at 281 Parkshore Dr."
Y/n: "7-Adam-19, show us responding."
*you turn the lights and sirens on and speed to the location that is on your laptop*
Lopez: Alright Diaz what do we do here?"
Y/n: "uhh, we approach slowly so the robbers can't see us.?"
(i'm not a cop so don't come at me for not knowing pls)
Lopez: "Good, let's go."
* you call for backup after you arrest the guys and take them back to the station*
Lopez: "okay you wanna process him?"
y/n: " um sure."
* you process him and take him to a holding cell.*
Lopez: "you sure your good? you look a little pale." *she said sounding worried*
y/n: "yeah i'm fine let's go"
* back in the shop 10 minutes later*
lopez: "what did you even have for lunch?"
y/n: "uhhh i had salad."
lopez: "and you threw salad up?? i have never heard of someone throwing up salad."
y/n: "weird me either.."
* 2 hours later your shift was over so you went to the locker room and changed*
Lucy: "god i hate being with Bradford, he's such a hard ass."
Y/n: "yeah i can only imagine."
* once your done changing you walk out of the locker room to see Angela standing outside*
Angela: "hey Y/n! wait up"
Y/n: "what's up?
Angela: "wanna come get a drink with me?"
Y/n: "um i can't tonight maybe tomorrow?"
Angela: "oh yeah sure!"
Yn: "i'm sorry."
Angela: "it's okay"
Yn: "i'll see you tomorrow."
Angela: "Yep!"
* you walk out to your car and drive home and go to sleep hoping to be energized tomorrow.*

word count: 1036

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