Meerab's frustration reached a boiling point as she stood her ground, a defiant expression on her face. "You've completely lost it," she declared, her voice cutting through the escalating tension, a moment of disbelief hanging in the air.

Murtasim, seemingly oblivious to the absurdity of his own accusations, insisted, "Yes, I have, and now I demand compensation for this blatant violation of my personal space."

"Compensation? What compensation?" Meerab snapped back, disbelief resonating in her voice.

Murtasim, with feigned righteousness, proclaimed, "Another kiss, right now! That's what I need as compensation for my saint-like naivety," his eyes glinting with mischief as if he had just unveiled a brilliant plan.

Meerab jerked back, incredulous. "Another kiss? Are you out of your mind?"

Murtasim, undeterred, persisted, "I won't leave until justice is served! A kiss, right now, Miss.Meerab!"

The absurdity of the situation hung thick in the air as Meerab felt a mix of irritation and amusement. She couldn't fathom how the thirty-year-old manchild was overreacting to a mere kiss.

As Murtasim persisted, his eyes locked onto hers, Meerab, feeling trapped between her door and him, couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh. "You're so shameless, Mr. Khan," she remarked, trying to reason with the persistent man standing before her.

Murtasim's smirk widened as he continued his outrageous demand. "Shameless? Yeah I can see who's that. Come on, Meerab. One kiss for the stolen one," he teased, attempting to lighten the tension with a touch of humor, his tousled hair and disheveled appearance adding to his somewhat charming yet absurd demeanor.

Meerab shot him a skeptical look, her eyes narrowing. "You're not serious. This is ridiculous, and I won't entertain this nonsense," she declared, her tone firm. Her disheveled hair and slightly disoriented expression reflected the bewildering situation she found herself in.

But Murtasim remained undeterred, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, so now this is nonsense, and what you did, was that justified?" he teased, his tone dancing between playful and provocative as he trapped her between his arms and the door.

Frustration, akin to simmering lava beneath the surface, bubbled within Meerab as she took a deep breath, intending to tactically duck down and escape from the confines of Murtasim's unexpectedly strong grip. However, to her surprise, Murtasim proved to be quicker than her resolve; he deftly turned and caught her hand, seamlessly pulling her against him. Meerab's attempt at evasion ended with an unexpected crash onto Murtasim's broad chest, the contours of which seemed to effortlessly mold around her.

"Since you're not ready for compensation, I'd say let me return the favor," Murtasim murmured, his voice carrying an air of unexpected gentleness. With a surprising delicacy, he tucked a stray strand of Meerab's hair behind her ear, his fingers lightly grazing the nape of her neck. His gaze, filled with an unexpected intensity and a hint of desire, locked onto hers, creating a palpable connection between them.

The intensity of Murtasim's gaze sent shivers down Meerab's spine, the involuntary flutter of anticipation mingling with the frustration that still lingered. As he leaned in, the air between them crackled with an undeniable tension. Meerab, against her better judgment, closed her eyes involuntarily.

In that suspended moment, Meerab's heightened senses captured every nuance of the encounter. Murtasim's perfume, a subtle blend of warmth and sophistication, enveloped her. His breath, a gentle whisper against her skin, hinted at a promise yet to be fulfilled. The room seemed to pulse with the rhythmic cadence of her own heartbeat, amplified by the proximity of their bodies.

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