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"You fall into the comfort of presence when you don't expect them to leave; don't. Fear every moment of union, for it may be the last. Never let go of their hand. Never let go."

- Kie Thompson;

Kie sat on the beach. She watched and listened to the waves. She watched and listened to the families- the bickering, the playing, the gossip amongst the adults.

Kie sat on the beach to be wholly immersed in the lives of others.

Her father had allowed her an early lunch-

"Why?" Kie asked as she stocked the shelves.

"For I am the greatest and unexcelled father to walk this disastrous planet and don't you forget it," her father quipped.

But Kie knew. She knew the business hadn't been going well. In fact, as she pondered, she realised, she hadn't seen anyone enter the shop all day.

Against all odds, her father risked it all for his shop. In debt and despair, he kept going. During the trials and tribulations, he never lost hope. Alas and painfully so, it was truly Kie's mother who kept her father standing. It was he who hit the ground running but she was his fuel, throughout it all.

The Thompsons, dreamers, and believers-

One Thompson left, to chase their own dreams.

Another Thompson remained with what they built with a lover, alone.

The firstborn Thompson became cynical- although she believed herself to be realistic- and narrow minded.

And then there was the youngest Thompson-

Who desired a life so grand it was almost out of reach.

Who craved it all,

even when they were yet to learn what it was.

The youngest Thompson-

Who viewed their dreams as their burden,

soon to be their downfall.

The sudden hands which grasped Kie by her sides, startled her. Ezra's cheeky laugh filtered past Kie's rapid heartbeat - the pounding filling her head. Kie's hand pressed to her chest, which heaved. Ezra sat beside her-

"How are you?" asked Ezra.

"Struggling to breathe, but good," Kie nodded, "you?"

"I'm proud of myself, I finally scared you."

They laughed, looking out onto the sea. Ezra lowered herself to Kie's side. Kie placed her hand over Ezra's-

"How are you really Ez?"

A timid smile overtook Ezra's face. "I'm missing him a little extra today," Ezra admitted, her gaze unbroken with the sea.

Kie stroked Ezra's dark curls, keeping the strays from falling before her eyes.

"How are you Kie?"

"I miss him. I miss my mother. And I feel like I'm missing the supposed best years of my life," said Kie.

Ezra sighed. She looked at Kie with a certain glow in her honey-brown eyes.

"Let's do something," Ezra exclaimed.

"What, like finding my mother?"

"Well," Ezra cleared her throat. "Not exactly that. Although, I'm always up for a challenge."

Kie laughed, ignoring her aching heart.

"I think tonight we should do something for him, for our brown eyes," Ezra pitched.

"Like what?" asked Kie, now intrigued.

"I don't quite know, but the letter comes today, and we can do something at the caravan," Ezra said. "Oh! We could bring his favorite things, pictures of him, all that, and it'll be like he's here with us."

Ezra stood up, and Kie quickly followed.

"Yes, we should do that! We're doing something with him not for him," Ezra declared hastily, a painful laugh escaping her quivering lips. "Because... because he's not really gone, you know?"

"Ez," Kie reached for Ezra's shaking hand. But Ezra withdrew and took a step back.

"He's not gone Kie!" she shouted suddenly, shaking her head, determined and certain.

Suddenly, everything changed. Ezra's face portrayed the battle ongoing in her mind. Kie was taken aback by her sudden outburst, but as Ezra began to unfold, losing the battle, she quickly tried to remould into the friend she needed to be- but sometimes, no matter how hard you try, your greatest efforts don't suffice.

Kie's head tilted, sympathetically, painfully. Tears began to stream down Ezra's cheeks. Kie's arms wrapped around Ezra's trembling body and this time she did not move. Her head buried into Kie's chest-

"Why did he have to leave?" Ezra whimpered. "I need him Kie! I need him." She clutched onto Kie's body tightly.

Tears fell down Kie's cheeks. "We'll be alright," Kie whispered, into Ezra's ear. And naively, Kie believed it. She had to believe, for she had to continue living-

"Hope will either be your first mistake or your final reason; be careful."

Kie gazed out at the sea, "we'll be alright because he will come back- just like always."

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