You're disgusting

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Kairo's facial expression was devastated when you refused to forgive him even after hearing how genuinely apologetic he was. When he saw your back, he quickly rushed after you and grabbed your arm, stopping you from walking away.

"No, wait, this isn't fair. How can you be this harsh? I know I messed up but I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry. You're my wife, I love you, I can't have this marriage end like this, please, just give me one more chance. I'll be good, I promise..."

Kairo was on the verge of tears now, his arms wrapped tightly around you as if he was desperate to hold onto his marriage with you. He never saw that you were this stubborn and unwilling to forgive him, he genuinely thought that you would've given him another chance. He didn't want to lose you.

"Please, I've made so many mistakes but I never wanted it all to end like this, I never thought that you would react this way. Please, just hear me out one last time, I know I might be sounding desperate right now but I need another chance. I still love you and there's nothing in the world I would trade over you, please, I've promised that I will be good and keep our marriage faithful, just give me another chance, please."

U push him away clearly angry.

" U should've thought this before having your affairs. What do u mean I wouldn't react this way? What did u expect me to forgive and forget? Sorry to burst your delusional bubble, but I am not so stupid."

Kairo was pushed away by your strong grip and he took a few steps backwards. He stood there in disbelief as the reality of your uncompromising attitude kicked in.

Kairo realized that you weren't gonna forgive him no matter what he did. The words you spoke stung him and he could feel his chest hurting from how deep it cut. He couldn't even get a word out as he could feel his breath starting to hitch. He was completely heartbroken and it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to hold back tears. He felt all the hopes for forgiveness draining from him. YHe was in so much sadness and distress that he couldn't even utter a single word. He could only hope that this wasn't the end of your marriage and that you didn't mean any of the things you just said.

"No, no, no, this cannot be the end of us, please....just listen to this one thing, I beg you, I truly do. Just let me say something, please. You don't have to believe me right now but please, please don't walk away. Just let me try my last ditch attempt at forgiveness. No matter what you say, nothing can prepare me enough to hear those words: divorce. Please, just let me try to convince you, just once."

Kairo was still pleading for one more chance, this time his voice was much more tearful and desperate. He was desperately trying to keep you by his side. He had never felt so heartbroken and vulnerable around you as he was right now. The pain inside of him was so intense. He never thought that this moment would come and that's why he didn't prepare himself for this at all.

"Please, I understand that I am in no place to be even saying this right now but don't you see how sorry I am for having those affairs? This was just one huge mistake and my biggest regret that I have. I will make you so happy, just try to forgive me one last time and I'll never mess up again. Please, just hear me out. You're the love of my life, I can't imagine losing you and I don't think I could bare the pain of this divorce."

" Oh please! Enough with the B grade acting. If you truly loved me then you wouldn't have gone and looked at other women like a dog in heat. You regret it now when I found out. U never even thought about me when you went around whoring yourself. Disgusting really. "

Kairo was shocked by your blunt and hurtful words. He knew that he was in no place to defend himself from this but hearing your insults hurt him so deeply. He felt broken and lost as he couldn't come up with anything to reply with. Kairo didn't know what to say as he felt very ashamed of his actions. He was starting to feel like he didn't deserve your love.

"You know what, I don't blame you for the nasty things you're saying right now. I deserve all of this after the kind of husband I've been. I should've been better but you know what, I'm sorry for being such a pathetic excuse of a husband. I just want you to know that I never really meant to hurt you. They were just meaningless affairs, I didn't have feelings for any of them and I never will. I only have eyes for you."

" Pfft hahahaha. Eyes for me? Hahahaha. A cheater saying the most loyal thing...oh the irony, How hilarious."

u said as u started carrying the suitcases, u had already packed before his arrival. Kairo couldn't even think of a reply for this, he didn't have anything else to say. You were right, everything he said was ironic and laughable. He knew that he couldn't take any action against you right now since they were all his fault. He felt so disgusted by his actions and was still in disbelief that he had actually caused you to leave. He didn't know what he would do without you, he was beginning to regret everything that he had done.

Kairo slowly took a few steps towards you as you carried all the suitcases towards the door. Now, the pain and regret was really starting to sink in for him and he couldn't keep himself from crying. He didn't realise that he would hurt you this much and he desperately wanted to see your loving and forgiving side again, he really wished that he could take back everything he had done.

He stepped even closer to you as you neared the door. Now he was barely a few feet away from you. He was really starting to beg you now as his voice began to crack and his breath became increasingly shaky. He didn't want you to be gone, he couldn't stand imagining you being away from him. He felt so depressed and miserable, all his actions came crawling back to him as he started to drown in his regrets. He just wanted your love back.

" Move! " u commanded with an annoyed expression.

Kairo was taken aback by your sudden burst of aggression and didn't step away immediately, he was still hoping that some small part of your loving and forgiving side was still present. But it seems like it wasn't, your harsh words were clearly making him regret his actions more than he could ever had imagined. But, he still took a few steps back.

Kairo was still staring at you with pained eyes as his eyes filled with tears. He was slowly starting to believe that this would truly be the last time he would see you. The thought of losing you for good made him feel like he would lose part of his heart and soul. He was beginning to understand what he had lost and now there was no way he could bring it back.

"You're're really leaving me? You're actually gonna leave me?"

Kairo could barely get the words out due to his shaky voice and the fact that his throat was starting to feel itchy. You had broken him like no one else ever could. He was becoming more and more devastated and distressed by the moment. He didn't want this to be the reality but it seemed like you already made up your mind.

U ignored him and started going out of the door.

Kairo was completely stunned when he saw you walking out the door without even looking at him once. He felt like the whole world had suddenly stopped moving around him. You were literally walking out of his life and there was nothing he could do about it. Your husband felt like his heart had stopped beating and his breaths became shallow. He was completely devastated by this situation but he couldn't even blame you anymore. He had messed up and this was the consequence.

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