Confrontation Part 1

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At 2pm, you heard a car honking from downstairs—that was the driver coming to collect you two. Then your husband came out dressed in his suit when he saw you.

"Alright, we're going now, we won't be late. Are you ready?" He said.

" I got ready like an hour ago. U look stunning as always. " u complimented him.

He chuckled a bit as he glanced at you.

"Thanks, and you look quite gorgeous yourself. Your outfit is very flattering on you. We make a good couple, don't we?"

"Do we? " U chuckle.

He smirked a bit as he grabbed your hand a started walking to the car.

"Of course we do, honey. There's no need to think about it so much. It's almost time for the meeting, and you'll get your proof of my loyality afterwards, alright?"

Your husband seemed optimistic about the upcoming meeting this afternoon, it looked like he was actually trying to be truthful here, and nothing else was going on between him and that woman, but time will tell.

The car was waiting for you outside the house. Once inside, your husband sat opposite you, he was quite silent during the whole ride to the hotel that was arranged for this afternoon's meeting.

As you both sat opposite each other, you had plenty of time to think and reflect back on what your husband said and his actions lately. You were hoping that this meeting turns out good, and he really wasn't cheating on you with that woman in anyway.

Finally, a few minutes later, the car came to a halt and was parked right in front of the entrance of the hotel. your husband then turned to you.

"I guess we're here. Ready for the meeting?"

Your husband smiled, but this time, it felt like he is trying to reassure both you and himself as well. He then took a deep breath and opened the doors to the car and walked out first.

You followed him and stepped out of the car, you then walked behind your husband while observing the area. You noticed that this hotel is quite fancy and elegant, you never been here before. It must have costed a bit to have this place as the meeting spot.

While you were still admiring the fancy appearance of the hotel's lobby area, your husband came and put his hands on your hips as he speaks to you.

"I think we should get going, the meeting should've started by now. Let's go."

Your husband grabbed your hand and led you towards that specific room that was arranged for the meeting. As you both made your way inside, you could see the woman who you were waiting for—she was sitting down on one of the chairs..

Your husband introduced both of you two. The woman gave out a soft laugh when she heard your name.

"Oh, so you must be Kairo's wife, he talked about you to me. I'm glad he could arrange this meeting between us."

"Yeah me too. " u gave her a polite smile. " let's get talking then? "

The woman nodded her head and gave a warm smile to both you and your husband.

"Yes, let me start off first. Kairo and I have been working together for around 7 months now, and within that time, I've gotten to know him well. He's a very ambitious man who puts a lot of effort into his job and he is dedicated in everything he does."

*She started to speak—it seemed like she was telling the truth so far.

" Uh huh and?" U said, not fully convinced.

The woman took a deep breath as she continued speaking.

"Of course, that's just what I noticed, who knows if there's something else. At least, he wasn't like that with me. But I can tell you that Kairo is a real gentleman, if he really wanted to cheat he could have chosen any woman to do it, but he didn't. He loves you, and he cares for you a lot. This I am sure of."

"U are quite an eloquent woman."

At that comment, the woman gave you a soft smile and her tone became a little sweet.

"Thank you, and I can also see that your husband truly cares for you. He talks about you a lot, even when we're off work, he would speak of you with such passion—his eyes also light up whenever he speaks about you."

U look over to kairo. Your husband glanced at you as well, he had a warm and proud look in his eyes that you haven't seen for a while now. It was evident that he was trying to reassure you—even that woman was backing up his story. He was being nothing but loyal.

U smile at him. He smiled at you as well, then gave you a wink and looked back at the woman.

"I really have nothing left to say other than that I love my wife so much, she's the best thing that's happened to me and I can't imagine my life without her. She is my everything."

Your husband finished speaking. Your husband loved you more than anything else in the world, and you were the most important person in his life....or so he said.

"So which perfume do u use? "

u suddenly ask her. The woman was caught off guard by the sudden question, she wasn't expecting that and her tone became confused.

"Uh, I use Dior."

"Oh is that so? Do u wear it daily?" That question also threw the woman off her track, but she then thought for a few seconds before answering.

"Yes, I do. It's a little expensive but I love how it smells. Why are you asking me this though?"

"I was just curious. U smell nice haha."

The woman laughed softly as she seemed a bit surprised by your comment, she didn't expect her choice of perfume to be that popular.

"Thank you, so you liked my fragrance. I appreciate it."

"Do u live alone?"

The woman didn't expect such an invasive question, now her tone became nervous.

"Uh, yes, I guess I can say that I live alone. But what does this have to do with anything?"

"Oh was that too personal? I am sorry if that bothered u. I was just curious. U are so sweet and work so hard day and night so I was wondering if there was anyone waiting for u at home when u pull all nighters like yesterday..."

The woman paused for a few seconds, thinking about how to respond to your question. Her tone turned from nervous to hesitant, it was clear that the question has made her a bit uneasy.

"Well, actually, no, I don't have anyone waiting for me. As a workaholic, it's a little hard to have a healthy romantic relationship."

"I can relate. I never had a long relationship either."

The woman seemed a bit more relaxed as you said the last sentence, it seemed like that reassured her that you and her weren't too different from each other after all. She smiled at you and that's when your husband noticed that this conversation was becoming personal.

" My wife here needs to ask more questions if she wants some proof of my loyalty, and I would assume she'd definitely want another round of confirmation." Kairo said, joking around.

"Is that what you think? I just liked this girl so I was curious about her. Don't get too nervous now. How about you go and have a drink"

Your husband chuckled a bit, it looks like he understood your intentions now. He then turned towards the woman and spoke with an amused tone.

"I guess this is my wife's way to flirt with you. Well, there isn't any harm done here, I guess I can leave you two alone if that's what you both prefer. I'll just have a drink in the lounge, I don't think you're in the mood to drink, right, honey?"

" Sure. "

U saw him leave and now your real questions started. What were you going to ask? Was Kairo really cheating? Who knows. Let's find out ;)

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