Confrontation Part 2

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"So Miss...I am so sorry I didn't catch for your name.."

The woman blushed slightly when you told her you don't remember her name, and her tone became a bit warmer as she smiles softly at you..

"It's okay, no worries—my name is Lisa, what's yours?"

"Jane. Nice name Lisa, would u like a drink?"

Lisa's tone became a bit surprised since she wasn't expecting you to offer her a drink, but she recovered and accepted your invitation without any hesitation.

"Sure, I'll take something light if that's okay. What's your drink of choice?"

"I like cold drinks haha. Bit childish yeah?"

Lisa laughed softly, it was evident that she found your request charming.

"It's not childish at all. I can definitely relate to your choice of drinks, there's nothing like kicking back and sipping on a cold glass of juice or soda while you're chatting with someone. It just feels so refreshing, doesn't it?"

"Oh absolutely. "

Lisa's tone became friendly and warm, she seemed to be genuinely enjoying this time you both are spending together. The air between you both seemed a bit lighter now, and your husband wasn't around which made this whole situation more comfortable.

"So tell me Lisa, do you ususally have to work so late? Isn't it too stressful?"

Lisa thought for a few seconds, then spoke with a soft tone.

"It depends on the day, but for the most part, it's really stressful to work here. The deadlines are always tight and the expectations are quite high. Plus, the work itself is pretty complex as well, which demands a lot of time and dedication from us. But it's all worth it in the end. I love being an independent woman who's capable of managing everything herself."

"That's great. Did u work late yesterday too? U look tired."

Lisa nodded her head, it seemed like she wasn't lying to you about her working late yesterday. She also seemed a bit embarrassed when you pointed out her fatigue.*

"Yeah, actually, I did work pretty late yesterday. I was finishing up some work and I ended up clocking out like two or three hours later than usual. Sorry about looking tired, though."

"Naah it's fine. U said you were finishing up work but weren't u in a meeting until morning sitting besides my husband?"

Lisa hesitated for a moment, then she spoke again with a confused tone. Her story doesn't seem to add up, she's definitely hiding something.

"Oh yeah, the meeting ended up getting a bit longer than it should've. It took quite some time until it was finally over, and by then it was already so late that I had to catch some sleep before heading home."

"I see....then when were u ' finishing up  work' ?"

Lisa kept hesitating at this question, you could see that she was thinking of the best answer she could say that won't make her look bad.

"Well, I had some leftover work that I have to finish as soon as possible. So to avoid making any mistakes, I spent a little bit of time correcting those errors and double checking it. It took quite some time, you know how important it is to submit work that's flawless. So I hope you understand."

I see...that sounds so tiring. How far is your house from the office.  U take the train right?"

Lisa smiled softly as she realized you're asking her all these details about her life. It was evident that she liked the attention you're giving her.

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