The Shadow Queen

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"To think Lord Shadow would personally call us..."

In the open city of Midgar, where the city lights shine brightest and the moon was high in the sky, seven beautiful women in black slime suits could be seen jumping and traveling through roof top to roof top, it was clear that they were all heading somewhere specific, and the one leading the seven was a blonde elf girl, who goes by the name of Alpha.

"This must be serious, he would never request our presence unless it's super important."

The second-in-command of the leader of the Seven Shades is another elf, though with short silver-blue hair, her name being Beta and she was also curious and slightly worried about all this.

'I-I hope I look beautiful enough for him, it's been a while since I last saw him!'

The next member of the seven was another elf, though with sky-blue hair, also being a bit taller yet slimmer, and having some large breasts that looked out of place for some reason. Her name was Epsilon and she was making sure she looked proper before meeting her Lord.

"I just hope that it's something we can actually help with, I wish to be useful for our Lord..."

The next elf to speak had black-blue hair, and unlike the others, she was currently being carried instead of jumping through roof tops. Her name was Gamma, and she could only hope that she would be helpful to her master.

"Delta is just happy to see Boss again!~"

The one carrying the dark hair elf was not an elf this time, this time it was a dog girl, specifically a Therianthrope Wolf Beastkin, her name was Delta and she was just excited to see her Boss again.

"Of course that's all you can think about, Stupid Dog!..."

Another Therianthrope could be seen with the seven, though this was a Cat Beastkin, Zeta, who acted like she was better than the dog girl but was secretly happy to see her leader again.

"Maybe I... Can take this... Chance to request... For his body... For experiment of course..."

The last of the seven was another elf, though her hair was brown and slightly purple, she was somewhat smaller than the others and looked quite tired. Her name was Eta, and she just wanted an excuse to test her leader. Usually, such talk and desires got her earful of disapproving scolding from the leader of the Seven Shades. However, the blonde elf didn't seem to have heard her, or even realized what everyone else was talking about or doing. She was too distracted by seeing a certain Level 99 woman talking to the man in a black cloak.


From Alpha's perspective, she thought her Lord was about to be attacked by this dangerous woman, and was about to attempt to defend the one called Shadow. However, as soon as she took her slime sword and thrust the blade at what she assumed was an enemy, the enemy effortlessly dodged the attack and gave a light chop to the blonde elf's head, which sent her crashing to the ground and broke the floor, which surprised and shocked everyone.

"Oops, sorry, you startled me."

This dangerous woman, who was actually Yumiella Dolkness, immediately regretted hitting the leader of the Seven Shades, even though she was the one to attack and startle her, she knew better than to hit someone who couldn't handle her strength.

"Alpha, it's impolite to attack my partner."

Cid Kageno, now in his different persona as Lord Shadow, walked up to his second-in-command, who was currently being helped up by the other Seven Shades, and suddenly said something to them that immediately caught their attention.

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