Something that many students probably don't know is that Shad is actually the author of our textbook, which makes me look up to him on so many levels. He embodies everything I aspire to become: a dedicated researcher, a prolific author, and a true intellectual. And he doesn't even look much older than me, which makes me feel like I should be doing more for my career already, like internships or publishing my own research. Biology and archaeology are two different branches of science, but I've come to learn that they go hand in hand. Turns out there's a lot I can learn from Shad, even beyond his field of studies. Maybe I can ask him how to achieve all that he has achieved at such a young age.

"Did everybody hear that?" Shad says, smiling up at his many, disinterested students. "Zelda made an excellent point here." And just like that, half the class is focused again, but not on the lecture. They're all looking at me, as if they just now realized that Link Miyamoto's girlfriend and the president's daughter is taking the same class as them. "She said their features were a fusion of aves and humanoids," Shad continues. "What can we make of this?"

I don't care that everybody is staring at me now. I'm here for the content. And so far, Shad's lectures have been amazing. My favorite class this semester is definitely a tie between this one and Pik's class.

Shad puts down his notes and speaks casually to his students. "My Ph.D. dissertation actually centers on these captivating legends: delving into the intriguing possibility that the Oocca may have represented the closest link to the goddesses and purportedly established a city in the sky. An intriguing theory posits that they might even be considered the progenitors of humanity."

Captivated, I take note of every word while the student next to me loses $50 in online Poker despite a pair of aces.

"I suppose we are out of time for today," Shad announces when the class comes to an end, and at an instant, everybody begins to shut their laptops and pack their things. "One more announcement: I've posted your grades for your essays. Do read the feedback I have provided for you, and schedule an appointment with me during office hours if you have any questions or concerns about your grade."

I push my notebook into my bookbag and get up. As I check my phone, I find a bunch of notifications from Link. Apartment listings mainly.

*This is THE ONE* he said about one of them. I'm about to tap the link when the professor calls my name.

"Zelda," he says, pulling my eyes away from my phone.


"Your essay about unearthing the mysteries of an ancient kingdom was very well written. I must say, I was hooked. The depth of your research and the quality of your analysis demonstrate excellence."

He liked my essay! "Thank you. I enjoyed researching the topic. It's something I'm actually quite interested in."

"Is that so?"

I nod ecstatically. "If I wasn't already double majoring in Biology and Political Science, I would study archeology."

"You know," he pushes up his glasses and smiles, "A student's major shouldn't restrict their exploration of other areas."

"No, I know, I was just saying that I considered majoring in it when applying to HU."

"Ah," he nods. "Perhaps they offer a minor."

"Yes, maybe," I smile. "I should look into that."

"Listen, I've been thinking about discussing an open research position on my team with you. Do you have a moment to chat about it?"

My eyes grow wide in excitement and for a moment I am completely unable to speak. "Uh, er," I stammer awkwardly.

"Is this something that piques your interest?" he asks.

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