"Alright alright. Deal." He says and strokes my cheek one more time before turning to the taxi waiting for him. "My taxi's here."

"Fox, stay safe. See you on Monday." I rise to my toes to give him a kiss, this was all new to me but it got easier over time.

He answers my kiss passionately and for a brief moment everything around me blurs. In a good way. It's just us, here, right now, just our lips colliding perfectly.

But the taxi honks impatiently and forces us to pull apart. Maybe it was good since mom was probably already having a heart attack.

"Bye." Fox says smiling, with dimples. I wave at him as he climbs to the vehicle, before hesitantly turning to my family.

Mom was definitely having a heart attack right now. And Elijah didn't look much better.

"Hey." I start, embarrassed to death.

"What the fuck was that?" Elijah asks, mouth open from shock. At the moment I really didn't feel like a good sister.

"That was a kiss Elijah." I mock him teasingly, but he only laughs at that.

"Who taught you to curse?" Mom asks frowning.

It was me, shit. I give a pleading look towards my brother and thank goodness he's not in a snitch mood today.

"My friends?" He lies and mom finally turns her head towards me.

"Young lady, mind telling me who that was? And what was that kiss about?"

"Uh, it was Fox. He's-" I am cut off by Elijah's laughing.

"Fox?" He continues to laugh.

"His brother's name is Tod, which means fox too." I say and he laughs even harder.

"No way-" he says but mom gets upset.

"Stop with the joking, why the heck were you kissing?"

"Well, we apparently like each others?" I say sarcastically.

"And you didn't mind telling me you had a boyfriend?" Mom asks looking disappointed.

"We've been together for two days, not a big deal." I say, lying to her. This was indeed a huge deal for me.

But just then a familiar wave of dizziness passes through me, and my ears start to ring. Fuck. I curse my purging today morning, I should've just kept the food in.

"You should've called me." Mom keeps nagging, but it sounds like several meters away.

"Whatever, can we go?" I ask, not caring if I sound rude or not. I just didn't want to faint here, not in front of them. How embarrassing would that be.

"Have you eaten anything?" Elijah asks suddenly and my heart makes a sudden stop for a second.

"Huh? Of course, why?" I ask, trying to shrug off his question.

"You look-" he's cut off by mom nudging him.

"Let's go. We made you a cake to celebrate the coming home." Mom announces, but it sounds hypocritical.

I can not eat a fucking cake. I'd seriously rather kill myself than eat 600 calories by something so small and unhealthy. Wasted calories, one piece was more than my daily intake. Even if most days I ate zero calories.

"That's nice." I just mutter, not wanting to worry them.

But they're silent for some reason. "Let's go!" I quickly rush them to the car, so they'd have no time to worry about my fake response.

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