Nap time

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    The Spy Racers had just finished an international mission and were all pretty tired out as they filed into the spy plane. The trip back to L.A. was going to be long, so they all decided to make themselves comfortable.
    After about a half an hour, Layla grew bored of watching videos on her phone and looked around the plane to see what everyone else was doing. She found Cisco making himself a snack, Gary flying the plane, Frostee playing video games, and Echo talking with Miss Nowhere about the mission. The only person she did not see was Tony.
    Walking around the plane, she checked every room for him, wondering where he could be. Finally she found him alone in a room asleep on a wide couch. The couch was almost as wide as a bed and the lights in the room were dim, making it the perfect place for a nap.
    Layla quietly approached Tony and gazed down at him. He looked so peaceful as he slept. She ran her fingers through his hair as she could not help but think about how cute he looked.
    Briefly glancing around the room, she made sure that no one was around. Then she carefully leaned down and planted a kiss on Tony's forehead. That was something she always wanted to do, but never would have done it while he was awake. That would have been too embarrassing.
    Though she never would have admitted it out loud, she had been thinking about kissing him for a while. She wanted more than just a forehead kiss, but she knew that this was the best that she could get for now.
    Who knew when she was going to tell him how she felt? Or if he even felt the same way? If he did not, it would crush her. So for now she was content with watching him from a distance while trying to keep her feelings at bay.
    Layla smiled at Tony's sleeping face and was about to walk away when something stopped her. She looked back to find his hand gripping hers. Though he was still asleep, somehow he had grabbed ahold of her with a surprisingly strong grip.
    Carefully, she tried to remove his hand without waking him, but his fingers refused to uncurl. Tony stirred slightly and she was afraid that he was going to wake up. She held her breath and was relieved when he stayed asleep.
    She continued to try to remove his hand from hers, but before she was able to free herself, his other hand grabbed onto her and pulled her down. Layla lost her balance and fell onto the couch next to him, her back pressed against his chest.
    Before she had time to try to get up, his arms wrapped around her, not allowing her to move or escape. "Toretto?" She whispered, but he was sound asleep.
    Stuck in his embrace, she had no idea what to do. She could not get up and she could barely even move. She thought about waking him up, but was scared to see how he would react when he found the position they were in.
    The only thing she could do was wait him out. Soon his grip was sure to loosen. He could not hold onto her that tightly for too long while he was asleep. It was just a matter of time before his arms loosened and she would be able to break free.
    Several minutes passed and nothing happened. His grip did not loosen in the slightest. The only thing that was starting to change was the fact that Layla was now starting to get tired too. The dim light set her in a sleepy state and the warmth of Tony's body heat set her at ease.
    In an attempt to get more comfortable, Layla turned around in his arms so that she was facing him. As she gazed at his sleeping face- only inches away from hers- all thoughts of trying to leave his embrace left her. She was content with just watching him and wished that this peaceful moment would never end.
    Suddenly Tony stirred again, making her heart jump. "Layla." Tony whispered. She froze. His eyes were still closed and he made no signs of being awake. Was he still asleep?
    His arms tightened around her, pulling her closer to him as he nuzzled his face against her shoulder. His warm breath tickled her neck. She gasped slightly, not sure what to do.
    "Layla." Tony whispered again. He began to stir, nuzzling against her even more. His eyes opened slightly and he smiled softly when he saw her. "Layla." Her heart fluttered at the way he said her name.
    His arms squeezed her and his soft smile grew as he closed his eyes. "Layla," He whispered quietly. His voice sounded both tired and content. "I love you."
    She froze, not sure what was happening or how to react. Before she had time to even think about doing anything, Tony moved closer, eyes still closed. She blinked and suddenly his lips were on hers.
    The kiss was soft and short, and when Tony pulled away he had a small smile on his face.
    Layla was not sure what to do. She watched him carefully, realizing that he was asleep again. She figured that he must have woken up slightly, but was not awake enough to process exactly what was going on or what he was doing.
    Though she had felt sleepy, sleep was now the last thing on her mind. She could not help herself from thinking about what he just said. Did he mean it? He must have. Why else would he mutter something like that while he was half asleep. But what did that mean for her?
    And that kiss. Even though it was short and came out of nowhere, just thinking about it sparked a sensation of butterflies in her stomach.
    She was happy to discover that he felt the same feelings she did, but there was still one problem at hand. She was still trapped in his embrace, and now things were going to be even more awkward when he woke up.
    His arms were too strong to break free from without disturbing his sleep. She still could only wait. There was nothing else she could do.
    "I love you too, Tony." She whispered. He smiled in his sleep and her heart jumped. Was he able to hear her? Did he understand her? Was he awake enough to know what she said?
    Tony stirred again as his arms began rubbing her back. The sensation soothed her and she soon found herself ready to drift off to sleep. As her eyes began to droop closed, she glanced at him one last time. The only thing that filled her mind was the thought of him as she slowly drifted off, joining Tony for a nap.

Fast and Furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now