Chapter thirteen: Complicated.

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Levis POV:
She wasn't going to answer anyway..

Levis POV:She wasn't going to answer anyway

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Okay now she had to answer.. And she did

The moment I saw the message my heart started pounding fast

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The moment I saw the message my heart started pounding fast.
I knew I had to give the best of me on that game.
And not only that the game is one day before Marcus' funeral so we had to win for him. He was the best player we had on our team.

I got inside the house and it smelled like beer.
Great, my dad was drinking again.
I took of my shoes and I saw him passed out in the couch.

"Don't wake him up." My mum whispered.

I hated that man so much. He would always lay hands to me and my mother.

"He's disgusting mom. Why aren't taking a divorce?" I asked placing my backpack on the kitchen counter.
"First take of your bag off my kitchen counter. Second I can't because we have two beautiful children together and my kids need a dad."
"Exactly a dad not a drunk ass junkie who literally hits us when his mad or drunk which he always is by the way." I said and sat on a chair while she was making me food.

"Levi I can't just divorce him hun even he doesn't make as much money those are the reasons we still live in this house and besides that Christine won't understand she'll hate us both if we take her away from her dad, you know how much she loves him. So what you're saying sounds really selfish, you should also think of your sister." She said and gave me my plate.

Before I could even even take a bite I felt some hands on my back pulling me with full force.

"Divorce me? Divorce me?!" My dad who had woke up screamed.
He threw me on the floor.
"You want me to leave you bastard?! Huh?!" He was now on top of me holding my shirt and having a ready punch.
"Tyler please! Don't hit him!" My mom yelled while trying to pull him off of me.
"You fucking bitch! Get off me!" He said and pushed her making her fall and hitting her head on the counter.
She started bleeding.
My anger took over my body. I got up and faced him.

"You became tough now? This is all your fault! You did this to her!" He said.
"I wish you could kill yourself you fucking failure." Were his last words before hitting me again.

I thought I wouldn't react but without realising I started hitting him back.
For the first time in my life I hit him back.
His face was bleeding and already swollen.
It felt good.

"Levi, stop!" My mom demanded and I stopped.
She looked me in horror and whispered.
"You're turning into him.." She turned her back on me hugging herself.
How was I the monster when all I did was just to protect myself and her
"Go to your room, okay?" She said calmly.

My nose was bleeding and the wound on my lips opened again.

Once I got to my room I shut the door and put music on full volume and started to hit and break everything.

After an hour my phone rang.
It was Jun.

"Hey Levi!" He said excited.
"Hey." I answered dryly.
"You sound a bit off are you okay?" He asked
"Yeah I'm fine what happened? Why did you call?"
"So we were thinking of doing a memorial about Marcus after his funeral on Mias mother restaurant because it's on the river he died. Everyone is going to be there."
"I'll come. I can't miss it obviously." I said and fell on the bed.
"Oh and one more thing. We are at Ellie's house to see what the cameras caught on the night of the murder."
"Shoot I forgot! I'll be there in 20 minutes."
"No need to rush we're waiting the footage to be downloaded."
"Alright, see you there." I hanged up and got up  and went to wear my shoes.


I ranged the bell and Celyn answered.
"Look who finally decided to show up!"
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Don't furrow your eyebrows on me!" She yelled.
"Just open the door." I said angrily.
"Only if you ask politely." She said holding her laugh.
"You can't be serious."
"Be polite!"

Why wouldn't she just open the door? And now I had to ask politely for her to do that?

"Can you please open the door?" I asked.
"Smile." She said and I awkwardly smiled.
I heard everyone laughing on the background and she opened the door.
"When I get inside I swear I'll kill you." I said and got inside.

We were on her dads office.

The footage got finally downloaded and we were all above the computer with Ellie on the middle.

"Press forward we don't care if your gardener was doing your garden." Peter said and Ellie pressed forward.

After a few seconds we seeing Stephanie and Marcus making out.
And in the next minutes we could see them getting inside the river and Stephanie leaving him quickly.
In fact so quick that he didn't get the time to get out and kiss her goodbye.
Not even the time to dress up.

"Such a bitch! I'm sure she didn't say that to the police." Sebastian
"They probably saw it because they made a copy before leaving." Celyn said.

We continued to watch carefully.

"There! Stop!" Leo shouted scaring us all.
"What?!" Celyn asked in terror.
"You scream again I'll beat the shit out of you. You scared us all to death." Ethan said.
"Wait." Leo said putting his hands on the keyboard.
"What?" Mia asked.
"Look, look, look!" He said rapidly showing us with his fingers the other side of the river.
"What are we looking at?" I asked.
"This is literally a person dragging something."
"It may be a person yet it cannot be dragging a body if that's what you mean because we saw Marcus get out of the water." Mia said.
"Yeah we did but we wouldn't know what happened to him when he got out because we have no visibility from here on." Leo continued.
"I mean he's somewhat right. We wouldn't know if he wore his clothes on his own or if someone attacked him before that and then they just dressed him up to make us think it was a suicide." Theo agreed with him.

What were they saying wasn't impossible. Everyone knew whose this house was so they would know it had cameras all around it. So they would've probably taken him somewhere else.

"Also we aren't able to see if someone drugged him right there and then." Peter said.

Not many minutes later we could see Marcus' body floating around the river till it disappeared from the camera.

We all looked at the screen with fear and disgust for some reason.

"Don't tell me that's his body.." Mia hesitated.
"It is.." Sebastians answered.


We were all sitting on the couch in silence.

I wasn't really believing that we were going to find the murderer. After all we were just teenagers, eight teenagers.

"There's only one thing we can do to find out.." Celyn spoke breaking the silence.
"And what is that?" Jun questioned.
"Go to the other side of the river."

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