|Chapter Twenty-One| Sunflower

Start from the beginning

Jack is nothing like them, so I have no idea how he gets along with them.

Once I reach their door, I'm about to knock, when my fist freezes over the wood.

Shoot, it's past three, no one's going to be awake, right?

I should have called first. I really should have, especially if I am going to ruin Jack's night anyway. I just didn't want him to worry before I could get here, and telling him this over the phone was unacceptable.

I've always had a strong dislike for people who intentionally broke up over the phone to avoid facing the consequences. And no, my case with Connor was not the same in any way.

Unlocking my phone, I start to type Jack a message to check if he's up, when I hear someone climbing to their floor. Mentally praying it's him or one of his friends, I look up with hopeful eyes, and it is! One of Jack's friends comes to a stop before me, staring down at me with surprise, and then a wicked half-smile.

This Asian-American guy is probably the tallest person I've seen in my life, even taller than Connor, and it is saying something. I have to tilt my head aaaaall the way back to take a good look at him. He has a barely noticeable mustache and messy hair, but still manages to look very young and boyish even with his dark eyes and unbelievably long eyelashes.

"You're Mia, right?" He asks when I just stand there, mentally thanking the spirits and forces for sending me one of Jack's mates in the middle of the night. His university uniform and sports bag over his shoulder tell me he's been out training.

When I notice the guy keep his eyes on my chest without a single sense of shame,
I remember I'm not wearing a bra under my cotton nightgown and start to scold myself for forgetting it. Soon, though, I start scolding myself for scolding myself for it. It's not my fault he likes to stare at beautiful things.

I mean, I didn't hand him an open invitation to stare at my nipples, but still he does, so it's on him! More so because I'm his friend's girlfriend, for God's sake!

"Well, not for long," the fallen angel on my shoulder reminds me.

"Right." I answer the guy with a nod.

"Are you here to see Jack?"

"No, just decided to steal some man souls since everyone would be sleeping anyway," I mumble to myself sarcastically, and he seems to have heard me because he smiles even wider.

"Ruined your plan, didn't I? Since I practically caught you red-handed."

"Oops! But maybe I'll just steal yours." I narrow my eyes at him, before chuckling. "Anyway, do you know if Jack's inside? I haven't really told him I'm coming over."

"Should be. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, thank you. I just really need to talk to him, so if you could, you know, unlock the door..." I trail off. "Promise I won't steal anything of yours."

He chuckled, before stepping around me to reach the door.

"You've got yourself a deal." He says as he unlocks it and holds it wide open for me. "Would personally give anything for a wake-up call from someone like you, so I know I'm doing my man a solid favor."

Yeah, I doubt that, but this guy doesn't need to know it.

"Thanks, I guess." I mutter before sliding inside the apartment.

"I remember his room," I tell him, as I start to make my way further inside their place and head for Jack's room. I pass a large, messy living room with piles of heavy books and printed lectures everywhere before reaching a narrow hallway with several doors on both sides.

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