ISSUE #2:prison life

Start from the beginning

The fugitive muttered causing Waller to turn her head around almost as if it was a horror movie as the man clad in blue immediately corrected himself

Boomerang:I mean Miss Waller! Who said that?!

The Mutant rolled his eyes at his quick coweredness and simply picked at his animal like fangs while following Waller

Y/n:*mutter*foking wuss

Waller:as I was saying, on missions, for the most part, what Flag, Nightshade, Deadshot, or our other commander Katana says goes unless I specifically tell you to disobey their orders or give you direct orders myself. But I'd like you to meet some more of the inmates here at Belle Reve as they'll be your brother's and sisters in arms for a long, long time

The white haired Mutant heard a multitude of voices. If he hadn't grown used to his further enhanced heightened senses he would've gone insane if Charles and Logan didn't help him in getting used to his heightened senses

The Mutant's animal like eyes would land on a girl who looked to be drawing a rat onto a wall with a rat on her shoulder as Waller and him came to a stop infront of her cell

Waller:Cleo Cazo. Ratcatcher 2. Has the ability to have rats do her bidding

The Mutant glanced at the female in the cell and slipped his hand into his pocket before trying to reach into his jacket inner pocket only to remember he was in prison wear and silently growled in annoyance

Y/n:I've always had an appreciation for rats. I honestly like them more than humans

The Mutant commented to himself with a slight sneer for not having any cigars as Cleo stopped in her tracks and turned to look at them. And as much as the Mutant would like to admit. She was attractive, the dark haired girl looked at the white haired Mutant with curiosity after hearing his comment about rats as her eyes also held another look inside them aswell

Waller:keep it moving, Monroe

Waller said while handing a cigar to Y/n who accepted it and used a bit of his mutation to send a bit of electricity through his body and towards the cigar to light it as the Mutant felt his shoulder be nudged by Rick Flag

Rick:looks like she's got a thing for you

The Colonel commented with a slight grin on his face

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The Colonel commented with a slight grin on his face. Y/n never really liked Colonels and simply grunted while walking ahead of the man

Y/n:shut it, bub

Rick chuckled slightly and followed after them as they soon came to a stop at another cell that held a man just staring at a wall

Waller:this here is Polka Dot Man

Y/n:...Polka Dot Man?

The Mutant repeated with a raised brow while taking another puff of his cigar

Waller:he throws Polka Dots

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