prologue pt.3:escaping the program

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3RD PERSON POV: Charles Xavier sat across from his failed and former Student Jason Stryker. The brunette in a telepathic battle with the Professor that was stopped by William, who was working at a table with syringes and liquids

Charles:your wickedness has no end does it, Stryker. Experimenting on Mutans, even your own son

Stryker would walk over to Jason and force his head down while using a liquid to subjugate the Mutant

Stryker:my son is dead, Xavier

The man said as they soon heard a pained scream echo in the buildings as Jason's head slowly moved up and looked at the Professor with dull eyes as Charles soon saw a thrashing Y/n submerged in water and screaming

Charles:stop that, Jason!

The man yelled out as his vision returned to the room he is in as Stryker stood back at the table behind Jason, extracting something from a vail

Charles:what are you doing to him?

Stryker would pause his work and let out a short "ah" while turning to face the Professor

Charles:seems you have seen our next project

Charles:project? That is an innocent, six year old boy!

The speckled government male would chuckle while turning back to the table and continues his work

Stryker:I don't think so, Xavier. That "boy" is and abomination of a creature. And one with spectacular potential to aid in this countries protection

He said while lifting up a syringe that held a black liquid inside that had small red spots and spluges inside it and flicked the needle before setting down

Stryker:that thing has both of its parents abilities. The power to control the weather, and from what I guess even more than that, and Wolverine's regenerative abilities and his bone claws

The man then turned to the professor who was forced to see another vision of Y/n being cut open and experimented on, as his vains bulged through his skin and ran black as the boy thrashed around while screaming himself hoarse and coughing up blood and the same black liquid


Charles:Jason, stop it!

The boys screams would fade away as the telepath looked back at the Colonel

Stryker:and that information brought us here. I believe that Wolverine's son has the potential to be a creature even greater than Superman and his band of marry freaks. And what you saw was his second dosage

Charles:second dosage of what?

Stryker:I'm glad you asked, Professor

The man turned around to show the syringe that held the black liquid inside it and looked at it with a hint of pride

Stryker:we created an enhanced version of a Super Soldier serum, neither Humans nor Mutant's could handle it, that's why it was my main mission to recapture Wolverine. But when I heard he had a son, it made it easier

Charles:your torturing an innocent child..!

Stryker would turn his gaze from the serum in his grasp to the telepath

Stryker:I made an oath, Xavier. And that was to protect the American people wether the enemy be foreign or of home

He said before placing the serum down as Jason forced Charles to see the torture. The man chanted and pleaded for it to stop but couldn't do anything as he was forced to watch

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