"Face Reveal"

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The Next Day... Anjali didn't even have her lunch because she wanted to see Rahul. (Even though she had already...)

She was behind the girl's wing waiting for Rahul to come...

She waited and waited and waited AND WAITEDD but Rahul didn't come. The lunch break got over and she was about to return to her class absolutely sad but then from behind she saw Rahul running towards her...

Anjali got soo happy after seeing him and knowing that Rahul trusts her.

Rahul stopped at a distance but was still quite shy to show his face to Anjali...

Anjali said,"Heyy, C'mon Keep your promise and show me your face. I am dying to see how my boyfriend looks like..."
"Uhhh, Do I really have to?"
"Yess yess.... you HAVE to."
(Rahul took off his mask and then... turned around)
Anjali loftily told him to turn around...
He finally did and Anjali started blushing and giggling... said, "DAMNN YOU LOOK SOOOO SOOO SOOOOOO GOOD 😭"
Rahul was surprised but very veryy happy. His heart was fluttering... ""Seriously? Do you think so?"
""Of course Idiot! And that is kinda bad of how you look SOOOOOOO CUTE AND HANDSOME... Now I have to protect you from other girls."
Rahul was on cloud 9 hearing all this from Anjali.
Then... Anjali broke it up and said, "Well... Umm... TBH I already saw your face that day with Geet And Tara... I lied so that you don't feel bad. Also I wanted you to show me your face on your own willingness and I'm happy you did"
"Your soo clever Anjali, I must say... I have to look out from you" Rahul said jokingly...

Then Anjali saw the time and she remembered that her classes had started 15 min ago and she was doomed!!!
She asked Rahul about his classes but it was his PE period...
They said bye to each other and went away both fluttering inside and blushing...

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