Face to Face Meeting!!

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Anjali stepped out of her bus and with Tara, decided to approach Rahul.
(Geet was not a bus student and so, she went home after exam completion.)
There were some other bad students at the back of the bus who also hated Anjali (little did Anjali care about it).

But after stepping out the bus, she got nervous as she was going to meet Rahul Face to Face for the first time!!!!

Tara comforted her saying,"Oh god Anjali. You are acting like it's you who has a crush on him but instead it's vice versa. Just think how nervous Rahul would be. C'mon, just calm down"
"Yess yess you are right!!! Let's Go"

They went up to Rahul who was sitting with his friend and Anjali got so excited and nervous at the same time that she started behaving like a stupid child again.... (Just normal Anjali Behaviour)

Rahul, who Of course, was wearing a mask was smiling behind it and also blushing because he appreciated that Anjali took the initiative to come up to him as he very shy (big introvert).

They both started talking about random things and laughing... meanwhile the bad students from her bus started calling out names and mocking them... Anjali ignored all this and continued to enjoy her time with Rahul...

Then she told him about she is not able to text him... but
Anjali lied...
She said that her phone is taken away by her parents so that she can study without distractions...

She just didn't want to tell him about how her parents got to know that she is talking to a boy... and how strict they are...

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