Part 11

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Anjali and Rahul's closeness just increased with time and they both were in love with each other...

It's been 2 months but still Anjali hadn't seen Rahul's face and didn't know what he looks like (still she was in love with him... or you can say with his personality.)

She could recognize him from his masked face and so... sensed it whenever Rahul was near her anywhere...

And the day... finally came!!!
After almost 4 months, on 24th November 2022 Anjali and Rahul got together in a relationship...

They were very happy... Soon the PT 2 exams came and just like before Anjali had to wait due to being a bus student and Rahul also waited because he wanted to spend time with Anjali.

They had been in a relationship for more than a month now and they were very close to each other and shared everything... They used to sneak up to the back of the school and talk, laugh, giggle and make memories... They used to hide themselves in a class and talk for hours about random things... Anjali was now very fond of Rahul...

After the exams, the Finals were upcoming but they both helped each other reduce the stress and study....

Incidents Happen!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora