The Man I Was Before

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"Where the hell did you learn to play the drums like that, kid?" Husk laughs while leaning over the couch that Charlie was sitting on.

"You pick up a lot of skills while being princess of hell, I've been around a lot longer than you people seem to think," Charlie smirks.

"Aren't you only like... 200 years old or something like that though? I wasn't good at singing until I was at least 500," Adam laughs.

"Jesus, I forgot how old you fuckers are," Angel scoffs.

It's the next day after the Cannibal Town festival, and the hotel guests are livelier than ever. This is partially because even Adam has warmed up to the crowd. After his interactions with Angel, Husk, and Vaggie, as well as him beginning to understand his role in hell, he's at the very least a tolerable presence within the hotel lobby. At least enough to where the other residents are willing to talk with him around, something that they haven't managed to do since he arrived.

"Wait... am I the youngest one here?" Cherri asks.

"Wow, look at you hanging out with a bunch of old geezers, totally uncool," Angel teases.

"I was born in 1963!" Cherri pouts.

"And I was born 10,000 years ago, I think your friend might have a point," Adam smirks. "Though Vagasaurus is still practically a fetus."

"I was born in the 90s, jackass," Vaggie reluctantly smiles.

"Exactly, fetus."

"Fuck you all."

"Hey, it doesn't matter how old everyone is, as long as we all get along!" Charlie reassures.

"You know I've heard someone say something like that before, and they didn't exactly have the best intentions in mind," Husk smirks.

"Wait, that's not what I mea-"

"HA! He just called you a pedo!" Adam laughs, making the subtle joke obvious.

"Yeah, I got that," Charlie rolls her eyes while smiling. The group continues to talk, slowly getting more and more comfortable with each other. That was at least until an all too familiar sound made its way through the hotel.

*knock* *knock *knock*

Suddenly, a quiet knock rang from the front door, causing the whole group to turn towards it. It was a nervous knock, but loud enough to make Charlie immediately jump out of her seat.

"Holy shit! HOLY SHIT!" Charlie gleams.

"Keep a cool head, Charlie," Vaggie smiles as she is dragged over to the door by her girlfriend.

"No shit," Angel smiles.

"We're gonna have to start actually sharing floors at some point," Cherri quips, causing the group to laugh. Even Adam had managed to crack a smile. Charlie and Vaggie make their way to the door as Charlie mentally preps herself to see the new face outside the door.

"Welcome to the Hazbin Hote-"

Charlie went silent for a brief moment as she opened the door. The four in the living room couldn't make out the new figure standing outside just yet, but if Charlie's reaction was enough to go by, it was at the very least someone unexpected.

"Uhhh... Adam. We might need your help here." Charlie yells back into the hall. The group all look towards Adam, unsure of why exactly his contribution was needed.

"Well... I'll see you pussies later... I guess," Adam nervously lets out as he stands up, walking towards the front door of the hotel. As he approached, the figure outside the door became much more clear, and Adam immediately knew why he was called.

The Redemption of a Douchebag (Hazbin Hotel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now