Eat Shit, Furry Bastard

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Adam didn't end up going back to his room that night. Even if he did, he doubted he'd be able to get any sleep after a conversation like that. Vaggie had managed to cut him to the core in a way that hadn't been done in 6000 years, it wasn't exactly something he could sleep on. He needs a little extra help. Luckily, a bartender offered his services to him a little while back, so maybe it was time that he took him up on that offer. Pressing the button to the first floor, Adam reluctantly rides the elevator down to the lobby, and makes his way over to the bar on the left of the hall. The main hallway lights have been turned off, leaving only the ambient light of the bar, as well as the reddish glow of hell that always emanates from the windows.

"Huh, looks like you're taking me up on my offer after all," Husk smirks.

"Eat shit, furry bastard," Adam grunts as he sits down, placing his head onto the counter, "...Rum and coke please."

"Well... at the very least it's nice hearing 'please', I think that's the first time I've heard that from you, given how many favors you ask," Husk quips as he starts preparing the drink.

"Whatever..." Adam says as he rolls his head to the side, squishing his cheek up against the wooden counter.

"So what was it, a day... a day and a half?" Husk teases.

"A day and 6 hours," Adam corrects, "...dick."

"Heh... so I'm guessing Alastor's plan didn't go well, did it?" Husk asks.

"I mean... Man I don't fucking know... I spilled way too many feelings with someone who hates me, and now I feel all... weird inside!"

"It's called shame, ever heard of it?" Husk jokes.

"Bite me," Adam grunts as he's handed his drink. It doesn't take long for Adam to gulp the whole drink in one swig, slamming the glass onto the counter once he's done, "Another one... please."

"Heh... whatever you say man," Husk responds as he prepares a second drink, "Be careful, you're still probably a lightweight."

"Good, I'll be on my ass sooner..." Adam mumbles, laying his head back down on the table, "So this... this is what shame feels like?"

"Is this really the first time you're feeling shame?"

"I'm starting to think my time in heaven was... sheltered." Adam considers, "Whatever... all I know is that I fucking hate the feeling."

"Hmph, okay man..." Husk smirks as he hands Adam another drink.

"I mean... What did I ever do to ruin Vaggie's life? She's up there having sex with her hot girlfriend and here I am barely managing to hold it all in while talking to an alcoholic in a fursuit," Adam groans. "Getting sent down here was like... the best thing that ever happened to her."

"You really think that?"

"I mean... no... not really, but like... How did SHE figure all this stuff out? This sucks, it all fucking sucks!" Adam shouts.

"That much we can agree on," Husk admits while handing Adam his second drink. He takes a sip from it, not having the stomach to finish it off in one gulp like he did before.

"Am I really... a sinner now?" Adam realizes.

"You're damn right you are," Husk grins.

"But like... how! If I'm such a dick, why was I even in heaven in the first place!" Adam rants, "All I ever heard was if you made it into heaven, you were beyond virtuous! You're a good person, far better than any sinner below us. Now I'm down here and everyone in this damn place fucking hates my guts! And not because I'm some fucking law-abiding snowflake, but because I'm a complete dogshit person that makes everyone around them even more miserable than they were before!"

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