Fuck 'em Up, Dickmaster

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Adam didn't get much sleep the night before. If he was the one telling the story, he would say it was because his new wings took some getting used to. The black feathery mass was an entirely different texture from the usual silky smoothness of his golden wings that he was accustomed too. However in reality, Adam was feeling something that he scarcely felt in heaven, anxiety. Tomorrow, or today if you count lying awake at 4 am as the next day, every member of the hotel is to vote on whether or not he deserves to say.

Even Adam couldn't figure out what he'd choose if he was the one voting. Part of him did still feel a bit pathetic having to beg for a place to stay, especially since that place was where his former enemies lived, but Adam no longer had the luxury of dignity. If he was ever going to get back to heaven, he was going to have to work for it, he knew that much. But still, Adam thinks to himself, was this whole charade... even worth it?

"Go! to! sleep! dumbass!" Adam bangs on his head, trying desperately to at least get a few hours of sleep in. However, one question continued to gnaw at his head, was redemption even possible? The answer seemed pretty obvious to Adam, of course not. Especially after the stunt that they pulled after the last extermination, they were all lucky that they weren't wiped off the face of hell by an even bigger army of angels. As far as he knew, heaven still thought he was dead... or, did they?

As Adam tries to lay his head down, but the silence of his empty room begins to fill with the sound of soft wind instruments that flutter through the halls outside, which makes Adam's hairs stand on end. He shoots up out of bed, quickly surveying his surroundings. He couldn't say for sure, but he swore the lights in his room became brighter. Wind began to swirl in the air as the light began to pool into his room, forming a ghostly shape just at the foot of his bed as the instruments around him became even louder.

"What the fuck..." Adam curls up into his bed, stepping away from the glowing presence in his room. The blob of light coalesced into a small portal that formed just at the foot of his bed. Looking into that holy light, Adam saw a face he never thought he'd see down in hell.

"Oh my stars! Adam!" Emily squeals as she sees the first man, stepping out of the portal and into his room, "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"HEY! Warn a guy first before just barging into his room bitch!" Adam shouts as he covers up his face, at the very least attempting to hide his horn growing out the left side of his face.

"Sorry, sorry, I got a little excited when I finally found you! The uhh... The hotel wasn't exactly the first place I tried looking..." Emily nervously laughs, "It was actually the last place I tried."

"Well... I'm here. Your predictions must suck I guess," Adam stutters.

"What made you change your min-"

"Emily! I'm not here to play 20 fucking questions with you! What are you even doing down here?! Angels like you aren't meant to be down here, do you know how much trouble you could get in talking to a sinner?"

"But I'm talking to you Adam! Sure you're a sinner now, but like... you've essentially always been one!" Emily giggles.

"Fuck you," Adam snarls, "Is that why you're here, just to see what I've become? Cause if so, go fuck yourself!" Adam snarls.

"Wha- No! Can it with the insecurity already Adam... I'm glad I found you at the hotel! That's the best case scenario!" Emily cheers.

"What? Does seeing my ass try and fail get you off or somethi-"

"ADAM! The hotel works!" Emily sings.

"........................what?" Adam's face immediately goes pale.

The Redemption of a Douchebag (Hazbin Hotel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now