"Excuse me, are you the newly recruited counsellor?" I asked as I approached her.

I didn't expect to see her when she raised her head to look at me, nor did I know that she's a psychology graduate.

"Cheryll!" Maria stood up from her seat and exclaimed excitedly.

"What're you doing here? I thought you said you'd a job?" I asked in confusion, but smiled in merry to see her here.

"That job sucked! I'd applied here a month ago and had lost hope when I didn't get a reply for so long until yesterday." She sighed. "What're you doing here?"

"The hospital and the medical college are in the same campus. We often come here to report to our internship guides for our final year projects, or to even study some cases."

After confirming that she was indeed the counsellor Vincent had asked me to help, I took her inside and assisted in what she needed my help with. When we were done, it was time for me to head home too, so we walked out of the campus together.

"We should hang out more, what do you think?" Maria suggested, I hesitated for a moment. "You're worried about being in the Miles brothers and Morgan's company?"

"Why'd I be worried about them?" I frowned.

I did what I thought was right at the time, I didn't do anything wrong for me to worry.

"Then what's it?"

This girl won't give up easily, will she?

"It's that my weekends are all me and my bed. I barely do anything other than eat and sleep after 5 days of hardwork!"

And I'm not exaggerating when I say that. It's not easy to always ace your exams; knowing that that's the only key to the lock of the chest which has the treasure named scholarships.

If not for those scholarships, I wouldn't be able to sit for my exams. Apart from studying hard, I've to report to work too.

Yeah, I work part time as an accountant in a small bakery. That's not actually as much as the work an actual accountant would do, but one should know how it'd be for someone who hates math.

An old lady whom I call granny, runs the place and bakes the cakes and pies on her own. Aside from checking the accounts, I help her clean after the shop closes and also help in preparation of anything that she'd have to take care of overnight.

It's tiring, but that makes up for my living.

"I understand, but at least consider and give me a call if you ever want to, okay?"

"Okay, thanks for understanding." I smiled at her. "Wait. How 'bout we head to the mall now? I need to do some shopping."

It's Friday today, that meant granny's grandchildren must be visiting her, so the bakery is closed for 3 days in a row. That's how I spend a calm weekend too.

"I'm free too, let's go then." Maria agreed.

~ Neo Plaza ~

Maria had taken a taxi to the hospital because her car was in the garage, so we drove to the mall in my car. There she took me to all the shops that she makes her purchases from and I needn't tell that they all emit only one vibe. Posh.

"Maria, I cannot afford anything here, so it's best if I don't enter these shops and walk out empty handed." I stated. Her expression changed, she looked sorry and embarrassed. "I know you didn't realise it, Maria. So don't worry about if I'm gonna feel like you did it deliberately to make me feel poor." I assured her.

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