"What time is it?" he asked.

"It's almost 7am." I spoke.

His eyes shot open more and he looked around. "I feel like I've slept ten minutes," he half laughed. "The need better chairs for this."

I grinned, agreed. "You'll be excited to go home and sleep in our bed again."

"How did you sleep?" he stood up and stretched and walked over to Noah. "How did he sleep?"

"We were up a few times. I think the last time was around four." I didn't really check the time.

His brows dipped. "He was? Did you try and wake me up?"

"No, you needed to sleep. We were fine, he latched a lot better too." That made all the difference.

"Oh," he came by the bed and sat down, cupping my cheek. "You can wake me up, I won't mind."

"I know. There's going to be plenty of nights where you're awake with us."

He laughed quietly. "I can't wait." Then he grinned wider. "I still can't believe that-" He pointed to Noah "Came out of that." He then pointed to the spot between my thighs.

"Trust me, I felt every bit of it."

After the shower I felt a lot better. My headache had subsided, and I was in fresh clothing. It was strange putting on clothing and not having my belly there. Ash told me it felt strange when he hugged me as there wasn't anything pushing against him.

His mum and dad facetimed, and they both were ecstatic to come and meet him. I was just eager to go home, and I think I would feel a lot more relaxed once we were there and settled into our own routine.

I knew he didn't want to discuss Jenna, but she was still going to be an issue for us until we spoke about her. Was she staying with his parents still? Was she wanting to still come back here? And the whole child support claim was ridiculous. How could she think she would be entitled to it. Even if she signed over all rights, that doesn't mean she receives a payout. That right there made it seem sketchy.

Mum came to visit; she walked in with a bunch of flowers and box of chocolates. A card, and a present for Noah which was a cute baby blue onesie. It was so good to see her, she took so many photos to show the other relatives. She didn't stay too long; she wanted to go home and organise dinner for us.

We were allowed to leave once Noah passed his checks, and the doctor had given me all clear.

"Home sweet home." Ash grinned, carrying the capsule as he held the door open for me.

I walked inside carrying nothing. I wasn't allowed to do anything except take it easy. I could smell something cooking, roast chicken. It smelt so good, and I couldn't wait for dinner. Mum walked out to greet us with open arms. "Welcome home mum and dad." She looked so proud.

"Hi." I beamed. "God, it feels good to be home and out of the hospital." I didn't want to go back.

"Go sit down. I'll make you a cup of tea and some sandwiches." She gives us both a kiss on the cheek and hurried back to the kitchen. I loved mum, she knew how to give us space without us asking. She would come back to us soon enough ready for cuddles with her grandson.

"Were do you want me to sit him down?" Ash asked. "Do you want go to and sit in the lounge or bedroom?"

"Let's go to the lounge room?" I was over sitting in a bed for the time being.

"Dad and mum will be here in about an hour."

I nodded. The last time I saw his mum it didn't end so well. I couldn't believe she thought that bringing Jenna here would be ok. It's like she had forgotten everything that's happened. Did she expect us to forgive and forget? Ash was probably waiting for me to flip out and go off, but I just didn't have it in me. "That will be nice."

"I haven't asked them about Jenna. I'm guessing they took her back."

"Well, I think that's the right thing to do. I'd hate for them to get in any trouble." I just had a bad feeling about Jenna being there and taking advantage of them somehow. "You must be pretty tired." I pointed out as he sat down beside me, and I reached a fistful of my hair and pulled it into a messy bun on the top of my head.

"A little bit." He slung his arm around my neck and pulled me closer until my head was resting against his chest. "I'll sleep later. You just make sure you rest whenever you're tired." I felt his lips brushing against my forehead. "You are a milk factory after all."

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "I'm going to feel like one in a week's time I bet."

"Do we need anything from the shops? I can go out and grab a few things later."

"I don't know, I think we're ok. Do we bath him later tonight before bed or in the morning?" I asked, moving to unclip Noah from the capsule and pulling him out gently as he still slept. I really had no clue.

"We could bath him before his last feed. Get him in a routine before bedtime?" he asked.

"That would be good, I'm going to ask a lot of questions, I think. I have no clue about so much." I thought once I had him, I would just know what to do. But I really didn't.

Frowning, he turned to me. "You can ask, but I don't know how helpful I will be."

"What do you mean? You've done this before." I pointed out.

"Not really, mum was the one who did it all. I was handed a baby I had no idea about and was too young to really give a shit. I didn't really start to get the hang of it until she was one." He sighed. "I was at Tafe, drinking with mates, I wasn't ready to be a dad." He looked down at Noah. "Pretty fucked up when I say it out loud."

I knew his mum helped, but I didn't know to that extent. "I guess you were thrown off a cliff." I said quietly.

"Yeah, the gift that keeps on giving." He muttered. 

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