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After 6 months :

Today is Panchi's first birthday Anand and Vidya are also coming to attend Panchi's birthday party. Mihika literally begged in front of Pushkar to behave like a normal couple infront of her parents because she didn't want that her father came to know the truth of their relationship that how my Pushkar hates her and hold her accountable for Mandira's death, and finally Pushkar also accepted her request because of Anand whom he respect a lot.

Anand and Vidya reach Mumbai, at the airport Pushkar had already had sent a car to receive them. Both of them reach the Bungalow of Pushkar with driver in the car, Mihika and Pushkar both of them together happily welcome them, which irked Vidya seeing them happy. Mihika gets emotional meeting her father after so many months and starts crying hugging him.

Anand - mera baccha look, now your father has come to meet you, why are these tears now, let's wipe these tears. Otherwise when Panchi will grows up then I will tell her that his mumma is a cry baby.

Anand tease her to make her stop crying because he don't like to see a single drop of tears in his daughter's eyes, she cried enough in her past after the death of Jai now he only wants to see smile on his daughter face.

Mihika wipe her tears and says "now daughter can't even cry after meeting her father after long time?  That you are calling me cry baby?". She says with a pout.

Pushkar get amused for first time seeing this bubbly side of Mihika. While Vidya is making faces seeing her antics and calling her emotions a fake facade.

Pushkar - uncle, come on, you guys get freshened up, then everyone will have breakfast together.

After that Mihika took Vidya and Anand to the guest room. Both of them come after getting freshen up and then they all had breakfast together.

Pushkar did not go to the office and Varun was handling all the office work today, because Pushkar was personally supervising all the arrangements why not after all it's his princess first birthday party he didn't want to keep any loophole, he wanted all the arrangements exactly as Mandira and he had planned when Panchi was just few weeks old, but unfortunately today Mandira is not in this world to enjoy this moment. And thinking all this, Pushkar's anger was increasing towards Mihika more and more. but he couldn't express his anger due to presence of Anand and Vidya.

At Evening :

The guests have started coming and as a host both Pushkar and Mihika are welcoming them together like a perfect couple which is actually facade to show the outer world that everything is normal between them, which is irking Vidya to the core he was desperate to create rift between them thinking that Mihika and Pushkar is leading normal and happy life.

Panchi was with her Nanu. Varun was happy to see Pushkar was smiling with Mihika and welcoming the guest. It seemed to him that finally the misunderstanding, Pushkar has been resolved and he has moved on and accepted Mihika as his wife.

Then after some time the servant comes with the cake at the order of Pushkar and together Mihika and Pushkar make Panchi cut her birthday cake while holding her tiny hand. The birthday party ends very well and all the guests leave after dinner except Varun who was about to leave after dinner with Pushkar, Mihika, Anand and Vidya.

After dinner when Pushkar comes to drop Varun till his car. Then Varun says to him.

Varun - I am so happy for you Pushkar, nice to see you welcoming all the guests together with Mihika Bhabhi.

Pushkar look towards him with blank expression and says "It was all just to show the world and Mihika's parents, in reality standing with that girl is a far away thing, I can't bear to see her face even for a moment. Because of that girl my Mandira is not in this world, she is responsible for my Mandira's death".

Varun get shocked listening Pushkar word's and says "Are you still stuck on the same thing? It was an unfortunate accident Pushkar, Mihika Bhabhi has not done anything".

Pushkar - All the fault is of that girl Varun neither she ran on the road like a reckless person nor my Mandira would have followed her nor my Mandira would have died while trying to save her. That girl is my Mandira's murdered.

Pushkar gritted his teeth while saying all this things hate is clearly visible in his and every word's.

Varun - stop it Pushkar just for how long you gonna blame Mihika bhabhi for Mandira bhabhi death? It was an accident and whom you are calling that girl that girl. she is your wife damn it . She's Mihika Pushkar Holkar. Never forget that.

Pushkar in a sarcastic manner says "yes my wife My Murderer Wife".

!!That's all for today!!

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