Warm Comfort. (Jenna+Emma's Multiverse).

Start from the beginning

-"Sure, but you will come back, right...?"

-"Yeah...I will, don't worry about that".

-"Good, I guess..."

That's when I remembered that Tara had to say something to Sam, and maybe because of that she was like that. I started to head to the apartment. 

I took the spare keys and opened the auto lock, entering the house.

-"Hey Tara-"

Only to found Tara, crying at a corner...

I placed the muffins on the table, and went to her way slowly. Her painful and weak sniffs, filled the atmosphere, making my eyes wonder with sorrow.

My gaze softened and gently I placed my hand over her shoulder.

-"Sam, is that you...?"

-"It's me, honey..."

She turned around, her blood-shot eyes from crying meeting my blue yet green ones.

Before I could form a word out, she landed herself over me, making me fall on the floor with her over me.

-"Oh, I am such a fucked up sister Bee...I broke Sam's heart..."

I caressed her hair and back, softly and let her know that I was there for her and will always stay here.

-"Shh, it's okay...it's alright. Every things going to be okay".

I sat up, after some minutes with the small one on my laps.

I pulled her face and pressed a quick smooch on her forehead, stood up and carried her in my arms to the sofa.

Tara fidgeted with my fingers, explaining about all the things that have happened, while I caressed her back and helped her with her emotions.

-"Do you think, Sam will forgive me...?"

-"I'm sure, she will. Don't worry sweetheart, she's just stressed out".

-"Hear me out, when she comes offer her a hug and explain every thing calmly and smoothly".

-"Hug? She didn't even dare to lock her eyes with mine, let alone physical touches..."

I smiled at the words, and then raised her chin to look at me. 

-"Every thing is going to be okay, Warrior", I pulled her into a kiss, causing her to kiss me back.

She was going to pull away, but I consisted on continuing the moment, leaving the Latina over my laps. Our kiss deepened and my hands went under her shirt, she kept caressing my hair and neck. 

-"Babe...", I heard her, speaking in a more moaning way.

-"Yes darling?"

-"Can we cuddle?" I smiled at her question and then pulled her in my embrace.

-"Oh, how I love your embrace, feels protecting..."

I felt proud and tugged her more closer, placing kisses all over her freckled face.

We talked, joked and finally at last she fall asleep. I pressed one last smooch on her hair.

Holding on her small hands, our fingers intertwined like a solved puzzle.

Her back facing me, while I was behind her. Tara's head supporting on my shoulder. 

-"You're so beautiful, Tara Carpenter...I am certainly the luckiest Girlfriend alive..."

-"Yeah, and I'm the luckiest Sister, alive..."

I heard Sam from behind, she came back. I wanted to wake Tara up, but the older one forbid me.

-"She's such an angel, when she sleeps..."

Sam sat in front of us, while I agreed with her last words, and pressed another kiss.

-"Good Night Sam", She smiled.

-"And Good Night to you, my Mighty Warrior", And that's when I closed my eyes.

Her with me, our body enlighten and our hands, over each other.

-"I Love You, Tara Carpenter..."

Author (Jay): If you have any suggestions, opinions and ideas, feel free to share them in the comments. Don't forget to leave a Vote, truly helps me a lot and I appreciate the gesture of kindness. I might not be able to write so many chapters in the future because of Lack of Time, either way... ENJOY!!! 🤗

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