Part 3

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Far Far Away...

Ryder and the pups came across a big city they've never been to before.

Ryder and the pups: Whoa...

Rocky: What is this place?

Sweetie: I don't remember being here before...



Then, someone from their past appeared in front of them - Codi!

Codi: It's called 'Codi Metropolis'!

Ryder and the pups: Codi...

Coral: Guess destroying Adventure Bay and getting sent to the moon wasn't enough for you?

Codi: No it wasn't.

Tuck: Did you have something to do with Kyle's disappearance?

Codi: Caught me! I did!

Ella: You captured him?!

Codi: Didn't I say 'Caught me'?

Liberty: Give him back!

Codi: Not so fast! There's one thing I want you to do.

Al: And what's that?

Codi: Leave, let me have Adventure Bay, and never come back. It's literally that simple.

Arrby: No way!

Everest: We're not giving our town to some machine maniac.

Codi: You do what I requested, or you will never see your friend again. Everyone must know, that they should obey ME!

Then, they noticed someone behind Codi.

Ella: You really think so?

Tuck: Oh yeah? Wanna think again? Look behind you.

Codi: D'you think I'm stupid? You think I'm just gonna turn around and see nothing behind me? Yeah, like that'll happen.

Then, Kyle grabs and zaps Codi with his taser and she fell to the ground.

Codi: (Groan)

Kyle FKZF: Hahaaa! I gotcha! I gotcha!

Kyle did a little dance to show his friends and Codi he got her good.

Ella: Yeah! That's my Kyle!

Codi: You stupid moron! You tased me!

Kyle FKZF: How do you like my taser, *****?

All the pups (Except Chase): Ohhhhh!

Codi: You wait, Kid. I'm gonna get'cha.

Kyle FKZF: In your dreams, now get up. Now!

Kyle sure showed Codi who's boss, this has to be my favorite part of the story.

Part 4 next in line.

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